Party On, Garth: Part Two

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The best thing about hunts is the research part. If someone were to ask you that question before you had Joanna, you'd say the hunt and the kill is the best part. Now that you have her, you look forward to the research so you can have some downtime with her and just let her be a kid. She is always growing and learning about who she is and her surroundings, and what better way to give that to her than finger painting?

You've bought a little kid table for her to use while the grown-ups did the big-boy research. Zeus is laying down by your side, resting his head upon your lap, Joanna is standing up using the small table for support, and you're watching her with a huge smile on her face. You've gotten the edible paint that's meant for small kids such as herself. You know that whatever she puts on her hands she will put into her mouth, so you wanted edible paint that was safe for kids.

She is making a bigger mess than you thought she was going to make, but you don't mind. The paint is everywhere--your clothes, her clothes, the table, her mouth, and you could have sworn a drop of blue paint ended up on Zeus.

"You are one messy baby," you say to her and brush some of her hair away from her face. "Should we go see Daddy?"

"We should not see Daddy," Dean says without looking up, having heard you.

You look over at the three men to see what they're doing. Garth is working on a homemade EMF reader, Dean is sitting on the small couch reading a journal, and Dean is sitting at the big table using his laptop.

"You're not fun," you stick your tongue out at him.

"There's a million things with claws that go bump in the night," Dean sighs and lowers the journal. "Once you throw in 'invisible', the number goes down."

"I feel sad for those brewery dudes," Garth speaks up. "Spend your life beautifying the world through beer. First, a partner offs himself. Now, two kids get ganked by unknown freakadeek."

Dean takes a sip from your dad's flask and sets it on the table near Garth's EMF reader.

"According to this, Dale wasn't just a partner," Sam says. His laptop shows an article on the Midwestern Brewing Company. "He was also the brewmaster."

"Brewmaster?" you ask.

"He was widely considered a genius."

The EMF reader by your dad's flask goes off, and you look around the room with caution. None of the other men have realized this, but you did. You can't be 100% sure that the ghost in the room is your dad because he hasn't made an appearance yet. There are about a thousand and one people who hold grudges against you and the brothers, so it might be someone pretending to be your dad. Though, you're 70% sure it's him.

"I know you're there," you whisper, hoping that it is your dad and he can hear you.

"I knew you would be the first to figure it out," Bobby grins.

"Alright, that's it. No microbrew is worth, what was it--eight Food Magazine awards?" Dean grabs some of the bottles that Marie had given to him for helping out on the case. He hands one to Garth and Sam, knowing you don't want one. He takes a big sip, expecting it to be disgusting. "Wow, that's actually awesome. Damn it, I'm not even mad anymore."

Garth grabs the bottle he was given and starts chugging the whole thing, shocking everyone in the room. Given his size, you can only assume that he is a lightweight. He pulls the bottle back and shakes it to get the last few drops from it. As soon as he sets it down, he burps very loudly.

"Wow. Party on, Garth," Dean says, impressed.

"I don't even usually drink beer. It messes with my depth perception." He burps once again and then hiccups. "Especially when I skinny-dip. Hey, you guys want to hear a joke?"

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 7Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora