Season 7, Time for a Wedding!: Part One

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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon violence, judging a woman for breastfeeding in public


The best part about hunting with the brothers is Vegas week! You used to love it because you'd gamble, drink, and have a lot of fun with the brothers. However, this year, you're all about staying with Joanna while Sam and Dean go out and have fun. The real fun is in this hotel room anyway, so you don't mind much.

Dean is downstairs probably hustling a lot of people in poker while Sam is off doing God knows what. He said he wanted to go out hiking on Vegas week, but he didn't give a reason as to why he just left like that. He's a grown man and can take care of himself, so you're not too worried about him going off and getting himself killed.

You've been trying to take it easy because of what happened with the Leviathans. They made you realize that while you can still try and protect and save everyone, the person you need to protect is yourself. After all, you can't protect Joanna if you're dead or in a magically-induced coma. She's much more important than some Leviathans, and the real goal is the big boss. If you get him, then you get the rest. So, you have to stay hidden in the shadows and enjoy the time you have with your daughter.

You just wish Dean was here to spend time with her as well.

He's downstairs and heading to the bar counter when he pauses. The female bartender smirks when she sees him, and she slithers over to where he is. She pushes her arms together, making her breasts pop out of her shirt. Dean, however, doesn't notice.

"What are you doing later, sugar?" she asks.

Dean looks at the woman and just gives her a polite smile.

"Spending time with my wife and daughter." You two aren't married, but anything can happen in Vegas. "Have a good night."

Dean leaves the bar counter and makes his way to his hotel room where you and Joanna are. Joanna is three months old now, and she is getting so big already. Her favorite things to do are smile and laugh, kick her legs around, and tug on necklaces/hair. She is growing up to be a bright child despite being so young. You have her tiny feet in your hands, and you bring them to your nose. You fake a disgusted face and pull away as if they really stink.

"Oh, stinky feet!" you exclaim, and Joanna busts out laughing. You do it again only to get the same reaction. "You got some stinky feet!"

The door opens and Dean walks in, smiling widely when he hears his daughter's laughter.

"Hey, I thought you were going to gamble and stuff."

"It's not so fun without Sam. Any word from him?"

"No. I'm sure he's fine."

"Plus, I wanted to spend time with my girls."

You blush at the name and scoot over so he has room to sit on the bed. You let go of Joanna's feet, and she starts kicking them to exercise her motor functions. Since it's just you two here, you really want to talk to him about some stuff–important stuff that can't wait.

"So, I don't know what was going on in the two weeks I've been out, but I've learned a few things from inside my head. I used to always put my life on the line for someone I barely knew, and I can't do that anymore. Joanna needs me to be there for her, and I need to see our daughter grow up. The Leviathans are tricky creatures, but I can't go after them anymore–not in the way I was doing. I need to be smart about this, and I need to save my energy."

"Yeah, I know. I was really worried when you didn't wake up. You're okay now, right?"

"Yeah, Dean, I'm good."

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