The Girl Next Door: Part One

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The medication that the doctors gave you numbed your whole body, which is fitting since you've been feeling that ever since you got to the hospital. You can't cry as you've leaked all the water inside your body. You can't speak because that would warrant some kind of energy from you, and everyone knows you don't have that inside you. You can't even move because all you can think about is your daughter and dad are dead, and they aren't coming back.

You're lying in your hospital bed staring at the wall in front of you. Dean is in the other bed next to you as you two share a semi-private room. The doctors and nurses are having a hard time getting him to sit still so they can properly reset his leg to get it into a makeshift cast before they can wheel him into surgery. They can't do that with Dean fighting them every step of the way.

You turn your head slightly and watch Dean with a dead look on your face. He's waving his hands around to try and get the nurses and doctors off him, but they keep fighting him to get him to stay still.

"Hold him down!" the doctor orders.

"We're trying!" one of the nurses says.

It takes almost six nurses to hold him down, and the doctor sets his leg in place. Dean screams in pain, but you don't make a move to try and help him. Your magic would certainly ease the pain, but if it can't ease yours, then it can't ease his.

"Just relax," the doctor says.

"Where am I?" Dean groans.

"You're at the hospital."

"Which one?"

"Sioux Falls General."

The nurses take this time to give Dean a shot since he's preoccupied at the time, and they administer the shot in his ass. He doesn't feel a thing.

"Where is my brother? Y/N? We got to go," he says and looks over to see you with a blank look on your face.

"He bashed his head quite seriously. He's gone up for an MRI," the doctor informs.

"Okay, I got to go."

"You're not going anywhere on this leg, buddy. Relax."

Whatever was in the shot works almost immediately, and Dean rolls his eyes to the back of his head. He blacks out, and everyone sags in relief that they don't have to deal with him. The doctor looks over at you, and he slowly approaches you.

"Are you doing okay? Do you hurt anywhere?"

Yes, every-fucking-where. It hurts to even breathe, but you're not going to tell him that. Instead, you just stay silent, and he just sighs.

"Okay, well, I'll have one of the nurses take your vitals. Just give us a call if you need anything."

The doctor and all but one nurse leave the room, leaving the smallest nurse to take your vitals. She approaches you when she knows you're not going to behave in the same manner as Dean, and she takes her stethoscope out before placing it on your chest above your heart.

"I know the feeling," she says and moves to the other side of your chest to listen to your lungs. "The feeling like your whole body is numb and you can't do anything but breathe, but even then, it hurts."

You look up at her, and she can see tears slowly building up in your eyes. She sighs and gently lifts you up to listen to your heart from the back before laying you back down again. She takes your blood pressure before handing you the button to call for one of the nurses.

"Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything," she whispers.

She leaves the room, and you let the button fall out of your hand. It's attached to the bed by a stretchy cord, so it doesn't actually hit the ground. Now that you're finally alone, you curl up in the bed and let the tears fall.

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