The Mentalists: Part Five

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You arrive at your dad's cabin in less time than you thought. Maybe it's because you're inside your head. Maybe it's because there was no one on the road. It's pitch-black outside with not a single star in the sky. It's been dark the entire day, but it's probably because your eyes are closed. No light can get inside your head since your eyes are closed. It's scarier to think that you don't know what might be lurking in the dark, but you push that thought out of your head.

You trek up the stairs and slowly peel the door open. It creaks the more you open it, feeding the mystery and creepiness. It's pitch-black inside, but you know your body is in here somewhere. The first step you take inside the cabin groans loudly, and you wince as if you'd get in trouble for sneaking in. The walls are bare of any pictures, what little furniture is inside is dull in color, and the air is stuffy.

Still, you head deeper into the house to find your unconscious body. You pass by a lamp sitting on a little nightstand, and you turn it on. It doesn't do much for the whole room, but it does light whatever is nearby it. On the table are scraps of paper, however, you can't read them. It's like someone took the words and blurred them to the point that they look like scribbles instead of actual words.

Maybe your body is in the basement, but before you can head over there, you hear faint crying. Someone is in here, and you can only assume it's another piece of you. How many of them are there? Do you have to get all the pieces before you can connect to your body? What will happen if you connect before then? Would you lose sides to your personality? There is only one way to find out; you have to go towards the noise.

The crying is coming from the back room, so you slowly head over to the room. A soft glow of light shines from the back living room which indicates whoever is crying is inside the room. You carefully push the door open to reveal a very pregnant you sitting on the armchair, crying. There, on the love sofa, is your body.

You're right there, yet, you're so far away. Why is she crying? Did something happen to Joanna? Is something going to happen to her?

"Why are you crying?" you ask softly.

"I'm scared," she sobs.

You feel the need to cry, but you force down those tears.

"Why are you scared?"

"This world is no place for such a delicate human being. All I want is to protect her," she sniffles and rubs her eight-month-old pregnant belly.

"But she is protected. I'm doing my best," you say, pleading that she knows this.

"There is not one day that goes by when you're not thinking of your little girl. I know how much you love her, and I know how much Dean loves her. She has the best parents a little girl could ask for. All you want is the best for her, even if that means it's not you."

"Why are you saying this?" you ask, the tears falling against your will.

"Because you're going to kill her," she sobs.

"What?" you whisper, falling to your knees.

"You're used to jumping into situations no matter the cost. As long as the bad guys are dead, right? You can't do that anymore. You have to be smart because these Leviathans are smarter. They're gonna kill a lot of people," she sobs. "Your daughter will be one of them if you don't get your act together."

"I'm sorry," you cry. "I didn't mean to."

"It's not me who you should apologize to. Sometimes, the bigger picture is what matters more than the smaller ones. You need to save your strength for Dick Roman because he is coming, and he is mean. You need your full power if you want to even think about defeating him."

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