Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: Final Part

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You two head to the boiler room stealthily because you don't want people to know what you're up to. Dean has a gun in his hands while you have your magic to help both of you see through the darkness. As soon as you descend the staircase, you see a large metal trashcan in the middle of the room with fire inside of it.

"Now, that's perfectly normal," Dean scoffs.

Using your magic, you swipe your arm across the top of the flames which extinguish it. You don't want this place burning down with a bunch of kids still left inside.

You move onto the table on the back wall with a bunch of dolls and an open spellbook on it. Children's pictures are hung on the wall including a boy who is underwater and two young boys with a birthday cake with decorations reading "Happy Birthday Howard". You close the spellbook only to see Tyler's placemat underneath the book.

"Drop it."

You turn slowly to see a man standing there with a gun pointed at you two. There is a name tag on his shirt that says "Howard", and you know that one of the kids in the picture on the wall is him. You can only assume the other kid is his brother.

"Drop it!" he yells.

Dean does as he's told because he does have Joanna in his arms. You would knock Howard on his ass if you didn't think Joanna would get hurt. Right now, you have to think of some other way to protect both of them.

"Now kick it over."

Dean does as he's told until the gun is no longer an issue to Howard. He holds Joanna close to him and turns slightly so she doesn't see what is happening right now, and you agree with his actions. The only thing separating your family and Howard is the metal can.

"This is some pretty heavy hoodoo you got here. I gotta say, as far as I know, none of these things can poop out a Unicorn," you state.

"There's power in fear," Howard states, "and when a child draws what he's afraid of, a little of that mojo ends up on the page."

"So, what, you toss it in the fire, and some bed-wetter's horror show comes to life?" you ask.

"I got to get something off the parent, too. Something they own. That bit gets tricky."

"Well, it hasn't seemed to slow you down," Dean scoffs.

"I'm just doing what I need to!" Howard yells, and Dean moves a step back to protect Joanna.

You set your hand on the table behind you and feel for the placemat with the robot on it. To protect the family Sam is trailing, you grip the paper in your hand and snatch it from the table. Before Howard had a chance to react, you rip the picture in half.

"No drawing... no robot!"

"Oh, that b-word is still on the list! But not tonight. Bigger fish," he grins.

"What, are you gonna shoot me, Howard? Shoot my husband and daughter? Do you really want a body on your hands? The body of a small child? Blood everywhere?" you yell at him.

You really hope you're not scaring Joanna with your tone and the words you're saying.

"I'd shut up because I got lots of ways to take care of bullies. Like that FBI guy. He's your pal, right? I saw you chase Cliff down." Howard grabs a bunch of placemats that he snagged from the wall with a grin on his face. "Five minutes ago, his business card was torched along with something from my... personal collection. I--I picked it out real special for him, too. Soon as I saw him, I noticed. He was staring at every little Plucky like it was gonna stab him or something. Guy's got a real thing about clowns."

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