Meet the New Boss: Final Part

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By the time you got back to your dad's house, you were just exhausted. Your dad immediately went to rest since he couldn't stay up any longer, Joanna is just wide awake since it's nearing dawn anyway, and Sam and Dean are just done with it all. Sam went to get changed into more comfortable clothing, but Dean went straight for the alcohol in the kitchen. You followed Dean to talk to him about Sam. After taking a seat across from him, you hold Joanna in your arms so she is resting over your shoulder as you pat her back gently.

"You want some coffee with that?" you say and motion to the alcohol.

"It's 6:00 p.m. somewhere."

"I knew about the hallucinations."

"What? You didn't tell me? How could you?" he scoffs.

"I'm sorry. I thought he could ask for help on his own. He said he was fine, but I should have known better. Winchester motto is, 'I'm fine'."

"Still the same kid," Dean mutters just as Sam enters the kitchen.

"We got to hit the road. I mean, how are we supposed to get Cas to that lab by fucking 3:59 a.m.?"

"We don't."

"What do you mean, 'we don't'?"

"I mean, we can't bring the horse to water, and we can't make it drink. Why fool ourselves?"

"Dean, look, I know you think that Cas is gone–"

"It's because he is!" he yells.

"He's not! He's in there somewhere, Dean. I know it."

"No, you don't."

"No, I don't. But, look, I was pretty far gone sometimes myself, and you never gave up on me."

"Yeah, and it turns out that you're about the same open book as you've always been. Hallucinations? Really? I got to find out from Death? From Y/N?"

"What was I supposed to do?" he sighs.

"How about not lie? How about you tell me that you've got crazy crap climbing those walls?"

"Why? You can't help. You got a lot of pretty severe shit swinging your way lately, and I thought why burst the one good bubble you had left? It's under control."

"What? What, exactly, is under control?"

"I know what's real and what's not."


"Dean, look, we can debate this once we deal with Cas."

"Yeah, you know how I'm gonna deal? I'm gonna stuff my piehole, I'm gonna drink, I'm going to spend my time with my daughter, and I'm going to act like the world's about to explode because it is." Dean turns to the computer in front of him and immediately frowns. "You gotta be kidding me."

"What is it?" you frown.

"Massacre at the campaign office of an incumbent Senator by a trench-coated man," he reads the news headline. "There's security footage."

You get up and move to face the computer just as Sam does so all three of you can watch it. Joanna is watching as she sucks her thumb, not fazed by the massacre on the screen. There, in the middle of the screen is Castiel with a bunch of dead people all around him. There is a ton of blood on the ground and the walls, but it's mostly all over Castiel's clothes. The creepiest part is that he's smiling right at the camera, and you think that smile is for you and the Winchesters.

"Well, I think reaching Cas is, uh... out of the cards," Dean says.

Sam just ups and leaves, but you stay standing next to Dean.

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