The Born-Again Identity: Part Three

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The rest of the car ride is put into silence until you reach a convenience store the next day. Yes, you've been in the car for that long. Joanna is up, she's hungry, and Zeus is munching on some dog food that you keep in his portable dog bowl. Dean is hungry for something to eat, so he needs to make a quick pit stop.

"Stay in the car," he says, but you don't know if he was talking to you or Castiel.

"Is he always like this?"

"He's going through some stuff right now. He's usually a big sweetheart."

"Is it because of Cas?"

"Yeah," you nod.

"Was he your friend too?"

Just thinking about him brings tears to your eyes. What you wouldn't give to have your old friend back.

"He was considered family to us," you whisper. "You really don't remember what happened to you?"

"No, I'm sorry."

You let a single tear fall, but you wipe it away before he can see it.

"What's wrong?"

Too late.

"I lost a very good friend one day. He was confused about what was right and what was wrong. He was manipulated into doing something really bad. In his eyes, he thought nothing was wrong with what he was doing--he didn't see it until it was too late. I loved this friend so much because he's been there for me for years even when he had to go against what he believed in. So, when he betrayed us, it stung badly.

"Then my dad died and that friend wasn't there to make it better. I needed him then and I still do now. What I wouldn't give to have him right here again. I miss him very much."

Dean looks back at you and Cas right before he enters the store. He can see your tears even from here, but he doesn't know why you have them for him. Cas betrayed him and his family so much that he can't seem to forgive him. He broke his brother, and now his brother may die because of it. He scoffs and walks into the store with his phone in hand.

He walks over to where the energy drinks are when he hears it. He hears the bell ring but knows it's not you or Cas. He looks up at the mirror high on the wall and sees a man with black eyes behind him. Dean takes out the demon knife from his jacket pocket, but he's not quick enough. The man grabs at Dean and shoves him into a wall, but Dean is quick to respond.

Your husband kicks the man in the groin, shocking him back into one of the aisle shelves, causing the whole thing to tip over and break. Dean rushes at the man with the knife and stabs him right as he gets up to fight back. Orange light flashes in his eyes as he dies. Dean sees his broken phone on the ground with his screen shattered.

"Oh, come on," he sighs.

Two more demons come through the back room, and Dean rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Do I need to get the wife?"

The demon on the left charges at Dean, swinging his fists left and right. Dean tries to block with the knife, but the demon easily overpowers him and knocks it out of his hand. The demon throws Dean into the shelves with a grin, glad to get him on his ass. Before he can do some damage, the demon who has yet to enter the fight dis. Whoever is behind him has stabbed him with the demon knife. The other demon knew what was best for him and smoked out of the body he's in.

"Emmanuel, you son of a bitch," Dean sighs

The first demon falls to the ground to reveal Meg who is holding his knife with a smirk.

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