Out With The Old: Final Part

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Sam left to rent a truck to haul everything out of the antique store while you and Dean stayed in the town to wait for him. You don't know if Sam should be driving in his state, but he rejected your idea that you would drive the truck here. There is something up with Joyce and all of these deals going on around town. Instead of relaxing in the motel room while you waited for Sam, you had to look into the deaths of this town that were related to the cursed objects.

You and Dean are inside a coffee house with Joanna and Zeus. Yes, you actually get to take him out of the motel room to places. This coffee house doesn't mind animals being there so long as they behave themselves. Zeus has been sitting by Dean's feet the entire time, looking at him with puppy dog eyes, begging silently for the food he's eating. Joanna is in her highchair you requested the coffee house bring you. You're feeding her baby food that you had in your baby bag that you carry everywhere.

Dean takes a bite of his bacon before slyly sliding it down to Zeus. He's been doing this with almost every single piece of food he's bitten thinking you don't notice it.

"You know, you keep feeding him that food, he's not going to eat the dog food we give him."

"What? I'm not doing anything," he jokes.

"Mhmm," you chuckle. "Zeus isn't so bad once you get to know him. I knew you'd love him."

"Yeah, yeah." He takes out his cell phone next and dials Sam to let him know what you two have found.

"Hey, what's up? I'm on my way."

You're sitting in a booth, so you're able to hear Sam only slightly.

"Yeah, not sure we're taking the safe out of town just yet. Um, so, it turns out that mama hoarder didn't just die and leave the store to Scott."

"She didn't?"

"No, listen to this. The lady spends forty years trying to keep that place, right? Then one day she wakes up and sells. Next day, she drives her car off a cliff."

"So, uh... what, you think somebody cut her brakes or something?" Sam asks, yawning tiredly.

Dean is using Sam's laptop to look up the Bicklebee Real Estate website, but something seems fishy about this website. It doesn't look real.

"No, I think the world is full of hilarious coincidences," Dean says sarcastically. "Oh, and there's this new company that has never even tasted real estate before that has just gobbled up a huge chunk of Main Street. Now, I could be off the deep end here, but doesn't that seem weird to you?"

Sam doesn't respond to this, and you become worried for him.

"Sam? Sam?"

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, sounds good. Keep me posted."

"Sounds good? Are you alright?"

"You know they say that, uh, sleep deprivation is an 'enhanced interrogation technique'? Trust me, it's torture."

You reach over and take the phone so you can say something to him.

"Sam, I may not be able to make Lucifer go away, but I can help you try to go to sleep. It's worth a try. I'm targeting a different part of your brain and not burning it whatsoever."

"Yeah, we'll see."

He hangs up the phone, and you hand the phone back to Dean with a sigh.

"I'm getting really worried about him."

"I know, me too. What else can we do? I don't know how to help."

"I don't either," you sigh.

"Well, I know what we can do. Try and contact Bicklebee Real Estate."

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