Reading is Fundamental: Final Part

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About halfway to your dad's cabin, Dean complained about getting hungry. You stopped at the next gas station to refuel while Sam went inside to grab some snacks for the road. Realizing your period is only a week away, you decide to grab some more tampons and supplies while you're here. Kevin is asleep in the back, and you think Joanna is until you get out of the car. As soon as she sees you, she starts crying and holding out her hands for you to pick her up.

"Does someone have separation anxiety?" you ask her through the open window.

"I'll get her," Dean says.

You silently thank him and head inside the minimart to grab what you need. Meg is at the counter reading a magazine, and Sam is putting his things onto the counter to check out. As you're grabbing your tampons, you notice the TV above the cashier's desk playing a commercial about Biggerson's food.

Damn those Leviathans.

"We know you're hungry. Why not enjoy Biggerson's homemade pie bar? It's like a salad bar but with pie," the announcer says with a big smile.

Just then, the TV statics as a much more important advertisement takes over. It's a news story about a missing kid. You do a double take when you notice Kevin Tran's picture there.

"Now, back to our top story on News 10, the search for the missing honor student. The victim in this case reportedly insisted he'd been chosen by birthright, causing speculation that a cult may be behind the abduction. The family car is also missing. Federal authorities have been placed on alert. Again, sixteen-year-old honor student Kevin Tran was reportedly taken from his Michigan home early yesterday."

Shit, this kid is actually a fucking kid. You really need to go. You look over at Sam to see the worried look on his face. He must have been paying attention to the news as well. You and Sam rush to buy your things and head back out to the car where Dean is finishing with the pump.

"Dean! We have to go, like, now. Kevin's been reported missing and it's gone federal."


"Yeah. Where's Meg?"

"Right here," she says, popping up out of nowhere.

"Great, so now we're kidnappers?"

"Not if we shut up about it. Why? Who'd we kidnap?"

"Let's just get the hell out of here."

You all head back on the road and drive as fast yet as safely as Dean can go. You've decided to steal a van since you have so many people in the car. Sam and Dean are in the front, you and Joanna are in the back seat, and Meg and Kevin are in the back seat behind the back seat. There is room for one more person in between the demon and the child, but you're glad it's empty.

"Oh, God," Kevin gasps when he wakes and sees Meg next to him.


"Nothing. Nothing. Just... my life... my future... my girlfriend... my mom's car. Everything," he sighs.

Meg's phone rings and she answers it immediately.

"Yeah, Castiel. It's me."

"Cas? Where? Where is he?" Dean demands to know.

"Shut up... No, Cas. You talk."

"I'm in a place called Perth," you faintly hear Castiel say.


"Perth? As in Australia?"

"What dogs?" Meg continues to speak to him despite Dean asking questions. "He says he's surrounded by unhappy dogs. ... Oh, okay. He's at a dog track in Perth. ... Yeah, they're unhappy because the rabbit's fake. Listen, we're on highway 94, north of St. Cloud, Minnesota, just passing mile marker 79."

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