How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters: Part Two

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There is something weird with this town from the moment you stepped foot into it. People have been so chill here that it concerns you. You needed to meet up with the rangers in charge of the case, but even he is proving to be useless. Ranger Rick acts like he doesn't have a care in the world, and Ranger Phil is missing. You're at Biggerson's Sizzlin' Grill and Bar talking to Rick, hoping to get something useful out of him. This place is definitely creeping you out, especially the posters on the wall. They all say the same thing: Pepperjack Turdunken Slammer only for $4.99. Your dad is at the morgue looking at the most recent deceased person, and you're here to grill the ranger.

"So, Ranger Evans," Dean clears his throat.

"Oh, uh, you can call me Rick. Ranger Rick," the man chuckles.

"Uh, you were the one who found Mitchell Rayburn, correct?"

"The human burrito."

"State police have it down as a bear attack," you say.

"Yeah, I read what the state police says. That was no rogue brown," Rick laughs.

There's something off about him... you're not sure what.

"Apparently, some others reported seeing something a little, you know, weirder."

"You know, I've been a ranger for twelve years. Tell you the truth, we have no idea what's out there. Tell you this, though. You got to respect Mother Nature. You respect her, or she's gonna string you up, and she'll eat your ass right through the Gore-Tex."

"So, you're telling us, it's Mother Nature?" you ask, raising one eyebrow.

"See, me and Phil, we've been finding something's leftovers for weeks–deer remains, badger, and even missing pets."

"Who's Phil?"

"Assistant Chief Ranger. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Phil in a couple of days. He's supposed to call from whatever station he's checking off."

"So, you think maybe your assistant chief ranger might be missing?"

"I should probably report that," he mutters.

He doesn't have a care in the world right now, and that's messing with you just a little bit. Your dad enters the restaurant, and you gladly get up at the thought of getting away from Ranger Rick here.

"Oh. Excuse us. Well, you, uh... enjoy your lunch... Ranger Rick," Dean stutters. You three head over to your dad. "So?"

"Well, I took a look at the cadaver—what's left of it. Not a happy camper. Don't have any stats on a Jersey Devil, but the bite radius on the vic's wounds is too small for a Leviathan. And he's still got a ventricle and some change, so I doubt we're talking werewolf. And wendigos don't leave no scraps."

"That is a tough one," you sigh.

"Lunch?" Dean asks nonchalantly.


A waiter with the name tag "Brandon" passes by, and Dean stops him with a quick touch to his shoulder.

"Hey! Uh, Brandon. Can we grab a booth?"

"Hey, uh, douchewad, a hostess will seat you. Do I look like a fucking hostess?"

You immediately hand Jo to the nearest person next to you before stalking over to Brandon. He's much taller than you, but you're not intimidated in the slightest. Your eyes flash blue to scare him, and it seems to be working... only slightly.

"Hey, watch your fucking mouth. That is my husband you're talking to." Brandon just walks away, and you smirk before turning to face the group. They all stare at you, and you just shrug without a care. "What?"

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