The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo: Final Part

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Charlie types an email to Dick from the travel department. She has the skill to make it look like a real email.

"Travel department's e-mailing Dick. The suitcase is still en route but diverted by weather and will be thirty minutes late. I'll finish mopping you guys off the drive and get the hell out of Dodge."

"Call us when you're clear."

"Text you from the border, bro."

Sam and Dean start to clean up their things so they can head out when you hear something that makes your blood freeze.

"Hey, Charlie. I was hoping I'd find you here," Dick says.

"Shit, Dick is there. I have to stay behind to help her. Dick will kill her if he even has a hint that she knows us. You two go get that case while I stay here. It only makes sense that it'll be me to stay."

"They've seen your face, sweetheart," your husband sighs.

"I'll be careful. I won't get seen. I promise. You two need to get that case. Bring Joanna with you. She's safer over there."

"Okay, call us when you're safe."

"I will."

You lean in and kiss Dean's lips as a goodbye. You kiss Sam's cheek to let him know you love him. You kiss Joanna's head to give her comfort without you there. Finally, you leave the van and head over to the front of the building. You don't know if it's better just to walk into the front door or if you should go through a side entrance, but either way, you have to get to Charlie quickly.

Due to how big the building is, it takes you almost forty minutes to scout the whole building to see if there is a safe place to enter. You didn't want to make Charlie wait forty minutes, but you also didn't want to just go in, fire blazing, and end up getting her hurt or worse.

You head back to the front when you get a call from Dean.

"Did you get it?" you ask.

"It's a fucking hunk of red clay. I don't know what it is, but he doesn't have it. We switched the cases so that Dick will get one full of a Power Clean bomb. Are you almost here?"

"I haven't even been inside the building. Charlie is still in there. I may need back up after all."

"Alright, we're on our way."

You hang up and look to the front where there are big glass doors and windows. There is a security guard posted at the front door, so you have to go enter through another door. Using the bushes outside to hide yourself, you rush to the side of the building where there is an emergency exit. With one gentle hand over the push bar, the door pops open as quietly as it can. You slip inside and head for the emergency stairs so you can get to the fourth floor quicker.

You take out your phone and dial Charlie's number, but she doesn't answer. You call her a few more times before determining that she may be in a situation where she can't get to the phone. You open the door that leads to the fourth floor and peek out to see if there are any Leviathans wandering around. When you get the all clear, you sneak into the office area with careful eyes.

You peek around the corner and see Charlie there with Dick right over her shoulder. You immediately see red at the sight of him. Every bad thing he's ever done comes rushing to the surface, and you have a really hard time resisting the urge to go over to him and rip his head off. If you want to get out of this alive with Charlie intact, then you have to play this smart. Whatever Sam and Dean took, it must be valuable to Dick.

"So, there's nothing about my company?" Dick asks.

He must have figured out she cracked the hard drive. Hopefully, she wiped it clean of you, the brothers, and anything related to you.

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