Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: Part Two

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The only thing Sam managed to get yesterday was a chalk drawing done by the daughter before the mother took her away. It was of a scary octopus, the same thing that killed her father. If this little girl is behind everything, you have to keep her within sight at all times. However, when you get word of another murder, you're even more confused. This little girl has nothing to do with the new murder victim, so the connection can't be with her.

You and Dean are at the crime scene while Sam is watching the little girl's house just in case something decided to snatch the mother out of nowhere. This crime scene is definitely different than the others because the victim was stabbed through a big wooden fence, and there were hoof prints on the other side as if a horse was standing right there.

But a horse doesn't have a sword or a sharp object... unless it wasn't a horse. Apparently, Dean is confused about this as well.

"Hey," Dean grabs the attention of a nearby officer. "Okay, so, the horse I get. The hoofprints and the jumping over the fence. But, uh, what ran him through?"

"The best thing I could tell you is something big."

"Are you telling me that a joust took place over here?" you ask with one brow raised, and the officer just shrugs.

The deceased man's body, covered with a sheet, is rolled towards the ambulance on a stretcher. A woman is standing next to the ambulance, and you can only assume that it's his wife.

"It's sad. Lady's got to pull her fucking eight-year-old out of school and tell him his dad's dead."

"Excuse us," you say politely.

You and Dean head over to the distraught woman. As soon as she sees you, she wipes her eyes free of any tears so as to not seem weak... such a Dean thing to do.

"Excuse me, ma'am? Agent Jones and Smith, FBI," you introduce you and your husband.

"I'm sorry. I—I really need to go," she stutters.

"We just have one quick question and that's it," you promise. "Was yesterday your son's birthday?"

"Billy's birthday? No. Why would you ask that?"

"Oh, um, nevermind then. Thank you."

"We'll, his father did take him to a friends birthday party if that's what you need."

"Was it at Plucky's

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Just a guess. Thank you for your time, and I'm sorry for your loss."

You and Dean leave her alone and step away from the crime scene so you can talk to Dean and call Sam about this. Dean has Joanna in his arms, so you'll have to call Sam.

"Isn't this death a little weird to you?"

"Yeah, it is. What is sharp and is also a horse?"

"Are you serious? You don't see what this could have been?" you ask and stop on the sidewalk to face him.


"A unicorn, Dean. A unicorn killed that man"

"You're not serious."

"What else has a sharp object and is a horse?"

"It's not a fucking unicorn, okay?"

"But a giant octopus is plausible?" you chuckle. You decide to move on and put the unicorn theory on the back burner. "So maybe the kid before isn't behind this all, but maybe Plucky's has something to do with it."

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