Hello Cruel World: Final Part

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The same bad feeling you got when you first came back to the house is back, but it's stronger than ever. You can't see your dad's house, but you know something is wrong. Something is telling you to turn away and not look back, but you do the complete opposite.

"Something is wrong guys," you state just as your dad's house comes into view.

Your whole world slams to a stop at what you see. Your dad's house is burned to a crisp, and everything in it is dead. Your first thought is Joanna, and you slam the car door open before the car was even in park.

"Y/N, wait!" Dean urges.

"Joanna!! Dad!" you yell as you rush to the house.

You use your magic to do a sweep of the house, but you don't find a single soul inside. Your worst nightmare is coming true–a world without your daughter in it. You saw her first smile, her big eyes, and her wonderful personality. Now, she's gone, and your dad is gone with her. Two of your favorite people are gone from this world, and it takes your brain a moment or two to process this information.

Sam and Dean rush over to your side. Sam is worried about your dad while Dean is worried about his daughter. Dean knows you're going to break at any moment, so Sam takes this opportunity to check inside the house to see if anything survived. Your brain is almost caught up with reality, but Dean is ready to catch you. He knows you won't be able to stop yourself from thinking the worst, so he has to be the level-headed one to take care of you both.

Sam comes out with only a charred notebook in hand.

"The place was torched. Someone knew what they were doing."

Sam's words are what catch you up to reality. Your knees buckle from underneath you, but Dean is there to catch you. You let out the most heartbreaking wail anyone's ever heard. It's getting harder to breathe, to think, to feel. Your whole world is crashing down around you, and you can nothing to stop it.

"Y/N, she's okay. Your dad is okay."

His words fly right over your head. You don't hear him at all because you're so busy thinking about your dead dad and daughter. The tears stream down your eyes, sobs leave your mouth, and your will to live gets a little thinner with each passing minute.

"You think Bobby was back there?" Dean asks his brother while holding you.

It's taking everything in him not to break down crying right there and then. As soon as he looked into his daughter's eyes, he finally knew what true love is. To have that taken from him is worse than any Hell he's experienced.

"I don't know," Sam frowns.

You just can't stop crying, and it's getting to the brothers.

"Well go check!" Dean yells.

Sam jumps into action and leaves you and Dean alone. Now that he's alone with you, tears stream down his face. He takes out his phone and dials your dad's number, but of course, he doesn't answer.

"You cannot be in that crater you call home. I can't... If you're gone, I swear, I am going to strap my brother and Y/N into the car and I'm gonna drive us off the pier. You asked me how I was doing? Well, not good! Now, you said you'd be here. Where are you?"

Your sobs and cries of pain can be heard, but Dean hangs up anyway.

"She's gone, Dean. Joanna is gone," you sob.

"Come on, we have to go. Someone might be watching."

"Let them come! What's the point if everyone I love is dying!" you scream.

Supernatural Series Rewrite- Season 7Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora