How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: Part Three

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As a witch, you're always on the inside of every fight. You have the ability to do something, so you have the responsibility to do something. You're always the one on the front lines, but you never minded because you had the ability to protect whoever was behind you. It's always been your number one motto in life, but things have changed when Joanna was born.

As a mother, all you want to do is protect your little girl. This world is filled with so much pain and horror that you wish you could lock her away and keep her from it all. However, you know she is going to be a witch as well. If not for Amara telling you, you just know deep down because your magic tells you. The thought of exposing this kind of horror and gore at such an early age breaks your heart in two, but you know she needs it at an early age to understand it better.

The reason why Dean is the way he is, is because John never stopped to make him understand why things were the way they were.

You're not going to make your daughter suffer the way he currently still is.

That's why she's currently in her baby swing just laying there and watching this unfold... whatever this is. The creature that the brothers lugged all the way back to the house you're squatting in is laying on the old table in the middle of the room. He hasn't woken up since your dad shot him, which surprises you. For someone so strong to snatch someone up into the trees, it takes one bullet to bring him down.

"Built like a supermodel, but the thing was strong. That's for damn sure. Carried a full-grown man up a tree in nothing flat," your dad notes.

"But, it only took one bullet to bring it down," you voice your thoughts. "And not even a silver bullet, just a bullet-bullet."

Suddenly, the monster jumps awake with a snarl, jumping onto the table, and you practically throw yourself over to Joanna to protect her. Sam, Dean, and your dad grab their guns and fire upon him repeatedly, filling his body with bullets. The first bullet must have only stunned the thing. You grab Joanna and cover her ears, shielding her away from the monster. The creature falls back into the table, now dead. The men breathe sighs of relief, but you just breathe shakily. Joanna doesn't seem fazed by what happened, and you almost cry at how good she is being.

She is such an angel, and you're thankful that she doesn't cry at this stuff.

"Is she okay?" Dean asks.

"Not even fazed," you say and turn around to face them. "I swear, she's my little angel."

"Alright, well, let's check its hulk pants for some ID," Dean jokes.

He reaches inside the pockets of the pants and pulls out a wallet. Dean is a little out of it, and everyone can sense it. Sam takes the wallet from Dean, but the older brother doesn't protest about it. Something is off about Dean, so you place a hand on his right cheek and stare into his eyes. All he does is smile lovingly at you and kiss the palm of your hand.

"Are you feeling okay?" you whisper.

"Yeah, I feel great."

"Gerald Browder," Sam reads off the driver's license inside the alley. "He lived here in town, 5'9", brown hair and blue eyes, and two hundred and thirty-five pounds."

The creature on the table is maybe one hundred pounds, if that. How the hell was he over two hundred when he looks like that?

"Well, apparently, he's lost a little pudge."

"Maybe it's a lap-band side effect," Dean comments.

Dean laughs at his comment, but no one else does. He looks at everyone and quiets down when he realizes no one else is laughing with him. Your dad finds a stick on the ground and picks it up, poking one of the bullet wounds in the creature. When he takes it out, gray goo drips off the end of it.

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