There Will Be Blood: Part One

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Now that you have the instructions on what to do to kill Dick Roman, there are some things you need to get done before even putting a plan into motion. What Kevin translated says to get a righteous bone that has to be washed in the blood of three very important people: the father of a fallen beast, a fallen angel, and the ruler of fallen humanity. You have Castiel's since he was willing to do anything to put the monsters he released away.

You're not sure if there are any alphas still left because Castiel and Crowley were killing all of them. You need to contact Crowley for his blood before you can get the last one. You're not even sure what "father of a fallen beast" means let alone where to find one. If you can't find one, then you won't be able to kill Dick, and then you're not sure what you're going to do.

You're inside your dad's cabin trying to figure out what the entire message means while watching the news to keep tabs on where Dick is. You and Sam are at the big table going over the material you have while Dean is pacing the floor by the front door. Joanna is in her play pen that you've kept sectioned in the living room. Ever since she took her first steps, she's been walking everywhere, trying to get into anything she can reach.

"I can't keep looking at this shit," Dean comments.

He places the papers he's holding down to give attention to his daughter. Joanna makes the mistake of locking eyes with him from across the room. He takes two steps toward her, and she drops whatever she's holding. She turns and begins a slow sprint to get away from him, squealing as she does so.

"Oh, you wanna play this game? I'm gonna get you!"

Dean rushes after his daughter as she tries to run away from him, laughing when he catches her. He scoops her into his arms and holds her upside down against his chest. Joanna's infectious laughter booms off the walls, and it's hard to wipe the smile from your face.

Your eyes shift from your family to the TV, and your smile is instantly lost.

"Now, we turn our attention to agriculture, where an unlikely personality has now come on to the scene in a major way," the female reporter says in her news studio. Dick Roman sits next to her with a charming smile on his face. "Richard Roman, a CEO whose company dominates the defense and aviation sectors, not to mention being a giant in the motivational-speaking world.

"What can I say, Gloria? I'm a multitasker," Dick chuckles.

"I'm going to kill him," you growl.

"Clearly, and now you've recently purchased controlling stock in Sucrocorp—among the world's leading manufacturers in high-fructose corn syrup. It's a pleasure to have you with us, Richard."

"Please, 'Dick'."

"So, tell us, Dick, why the recent fascination with big foods?"

"Well, it's no secret we all love to eat, but now Sucrocorp will focus on eating well."

"Help me connect the dots. How will pumping sweeteners into our system make us healthier?" Gloria asks.

"One word—purity. We're dialing back the additives to deliver the highest quality all-American product you people deserve. America is for go-getters, folks who get off their butts and make it happen. We need you just as healthy as you can be, which is why we are diving whole hog into what keeps Americans living longer... and tasting better," Dick winks at the camera as if he knows you and the Winchesters are watching.

"You do, of course, mean to say the food will be tasting better," Gloria chuckles nervously.

"That's exactly what I mean."

"Son of a bitch," you growl and shut off the TV.

If you keep watching, you're going to drive yourself insane.

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