Chapter 29

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Sado carrying his bag already, picks up Eva and throws her over his shoulder. She gasped in shock by his actions and smirked after.

As he were walking back to the dorms, Eva looked around realizing it wasn't her building. "This is not the way to my fucking dorm Sado." She feels his stoic face turn to a smirk, he walks into the elevator. He presses the button that says "3", and the display screen counts up as they go floor by floor. The elevator stumps aggressively as he chuckles lowly.

"Ohhhh." Sado's deep voice rumbled.

Eva shuddered slightly in shock, of how deep his voice went.

"Yeah not your dorm, my dorm." Sado smirked.

He approached the dorm, slowly, but heard the faint sounds of light music, laughter and occasional moans. He reached his hand out and swiped his key card. The door sensor flashed green and he turned the knob.

He opened the door to see a shirtless Ichigo and Jack(Vio), with Yoruichi's shirt on the ground in only a bra and shorts. Sado took Eva off his shoulder and placed her down slowly.

"Yoruichi?" Eva and Sado asked in a questionable tone, as they scanned the room.

"Eva!?" She stammered as she covered her chest and Vio grabbed her shirt. Yoruichi looked up and locked eyes with Eva, her face reddening by the second.

They stared at one another, blankly for a moment.

"What are you doing here?" They stated in unison.

The room engulfed by silence, and stares. The eeriness becoming dark and thick, you could cut the tension with a knife.

Ichigo breaking the slight tension, "We were having a mini after party...", locking his eyes with Sado, "for the game."

"Oh?" Eva responded, she averted her eyes. "No ones at our dorm though right?"

"Uhh yeah? I'm pretty sure the only person who could possibly be there is Ari's cousin." She glanced at Ichigo intently, "Then again, I doubt he's in there." Yoruichi stated, she looked up with a devilish smirk, "But, the party's already started."

"You stayin' or what!?" Ichigo stated with slight annoyance in his voice.

Eva looked up at Sado, and Sado looked down at her. They come to an agreement after a short period of time and nodded their heads.

"Perfect." Yoruichi stated, she clasped her hands together and got up, pulling her shirt down. Their eyes traced her figure as walked to the counter and grabbed a shiny gold key. She slowly bent down and jiggled the lock a couple times before unlocking the cabinet. She carefully slide the cabinet door open, revealing a couple different bottles of alcohol, beer and wine.

A smirk flashed upon her face as she held up two glass green bottles in her hand, "Let's Drink!"

Everyone gathered around on the carpet in a circle, red solo cups in the middle, with different kinds of alcohol their too. They all took a cup and poured the drink of their choice into it.

"Honestly, I feel the only agreeable and fair game to start off the night is spin the bottle..." Ichigo stared at Yoruichi, "Am I right?" His voice deepened.

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