Chapter 6

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Evara's POV:
'It's on.'
Orihime threw her bag down and charged at me. She started by throwing some weak punches. I backed away and roundhouse kicked her jaw.

"YOU BITCH, HOW DARE YOU." She tries slapping me, I grabbed her hand and break her fingers. "NO ONE GETS BETWEEN ME AND MY CHAD.

'Its too late to be on good terms now.' Orihime was holding her jaw in pain. She charged again, attempting to recreate my roundhouse kick. I caught it and twisted her leg the other way around, causing her to shriek a horrible noise.
She pulled out a pocket knife and jabbed into my left torso. I let out an aggressively shriek, "GAAAAAAAH, DAMMIT" I fell to the ground. Orihime got up and started laughing. "It's funny how someone as unworthy and worthless as you decides to be close to my Chad."

The piercing feeling as she kicked me, it felt deeper and deeper with each kick. My vision began getting fuzzy. 'I started coughing, an unknown red substance. It had a metallic smell. What is it? Blood maybe?'

My mind pulled me into my subliminal consciousness, 'Eva...Evaaaa!'
"Don't lose this fight, you don't know when you're last will ever be."
"Get up Eva. GET UP."
Then my vision gained it's aligned sight. She was still kicking me. I pulled the knife out of my torso, got up and knocked her over.

She fell to the ground and grabbed her bag. She took her bag waving it around and threw it at me. I stumbled a bit, she was on the ground holding for covering. Her arms protecting her head and shoulders. She crawled up into a little ball.
"P-Please Stop!" Orihime begged, "I'm Sorry!" Tears brimmed her eyes.

Feeling slightly bad I put my fists down.


It was too late for sorry. Thats too bad. It's been two days I've put up with this shit, two days too much. I'm not taking no one's disrespect. These hands are rated 'E for Everyone.'

I ripped Orihimes arms off of her curled up position. I grabbed her body and threw her onto the hallway ground. I forcefully sheered my foot at her. Her body hitting the medal trophy case and rolling onto the ground. I walked over pulled her by her collar. Lifting her up, I demanded, "LOOK ME IN MY EYES." She refused, I slapped her abruptly, "LOOK ME IN MY FUCKING EYES." Her nose bleeding, scratches all over her face, her bruised cheek and arms.

Eyes burning red in fury, merely popping a vein. I start going ham on her face. Punching the living shit out of her with all my might.

A smirk plastered on my face, as I got up and began stomping her body out.

A very strong woman pulled me off of Orihime. "EVA. SNAP OUT OF IT."

'Huh?' A pause occurred in my mind, 'That voice sounds oddly familiar... Ari.. is that you?'
"Ari?" I whispered.
"EVA ITS ME, ARE YOU OKAY?" Ari stated frantically. Jack following Behind Ari running out from the corner, "OH MY GOSH!"
"I'll take Eva, you take Orihime." Ari stated.

Jack only followed orders and threw Orihime over his shoulder. She only cried on him, whimpering on how evil Eva was to her. Jack only rolled his eyes and carried on walking her to the infirmary.

Ari stared at My torso in complete shock. Ari picked me up and threw me over her shoulder. I winced in pain due to the stab wound.
"I'll take you to the infirmary!" Ari shouted.
"T-Thanks Ari." I murmured with the last of my breathe, before I completely blacked out.

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