Chapter 19

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Sado picked her up and placed her on Jax's bed as he began to put her clothes into her.

She slapped his hand lightly, "Sado, I can do it myself."

He laughed lightly and pulled his hand away, his bangs over shadowed his face as his shoulders bounced, "Get up then."

Evara attempted to get up but her legs wobbled and she collapsed onto the floor.

"I can't walk." She laughed, "I think you were too into it."
Sado continued and with a nice gesture, picked her up placed her in the bathtub.

He slowly placed his clothes onto her and carried her to her dorm.

He knocked on the door, and waited a couple of minutes till a, "who is it?" Broke the silence.

The door slowly opened, revealing a girl with curly dark brown hair, with circular glasses on. She had light gray sweatpants and an oversized gray t-shirt on. She stretched and yawned, "Oh, hi Sado. Hi Eva." She stated sweetly.

"What have you guys been up to." She said as she opened the door fully, welcoming them in.

Sado walked in and ducked a bit, shielding Eva from the door. He placed her on her bed, as she laid and exhaled loudly. Ari closed the door, trailing behind them.

"We've been studying." Eva responded as she turned towards Ari.

Ari turned her head towards Sado with a questionable look, he only nodded.

Offering he stuck his hand out, "It's good to see you again Ari."

Ari shook her head and laughed quietly, "You don't need to be so formal." She took his hand abruptly.

An awkward silence approached, when it was broken. "I was wondering if you both would like to come to my game?"

"Sure." Eva responded joyfully.

Ari stared into space a bit before responding, "What sport do you play?"

"I play Basketball for the Black Jackals" he glanced at Eva for a second and continued, "I'm #5."

"Oh, That's great? Where and When is it?" Ari asked, as Eva adjusted the way she sat on her bed.

"There's a bunch actually, there's one tonight, one on Wednesday and one Friday nights.

"Oh so every two days, you have a game?" Eva said.

"Yeah." He said as he ruffled his hair slightly, "I can get you both free tickets too the ones tonight, that's if you can co-." He was cut off before he could finish his sentence.

"Fr!?" The girls said in sync.

He nodded his head as the girls joined hands and screeched in joy. "EEEEEEEE!"

"I'll cya tonight then." He averted his eyes from Ari and stared into Eva's." He winked at her, and shortly left.

Ari went to the bathroom and put on make up, while Eva slowly attempted to stand up, but collapsed again. She tried to get up again. This time her legs wobbled a couple of times and she attempted to walk.

She dressed into a white crop top with ripped black jeans and a puffy red coat. It was cold outside, so it was nice to have some form of protection. She wore hoop earrings and styled her hair into a low bun. She layed her edges and had light make up on.

Ari stepped out the bathroom with her make up done, and she ran to put on white graphic oversized sweatshirt, with cargo pants and a blue coat. She wore a headband and left her hair out. She wore long diamond earrings. Ari carried a purse with a long gold chain and a blue basketball.

Scared Ari would have suspicions, Eva walked with full concentration. She didn't want her legs to wobble at all.
After walking across the campus, they finally made it.

As they entered the gym, the sound of screaming and balls bouncing were echoing. They made it just in time for the warm ups before the game. Tons of people filled aisles. Eva walked up a couple of steps and found a seat, Ari followed and sat down.

The whistle went off and the team gathered around the coaches. Another whistle went off and the people starting ran on court. Sado and 4 others were starters. Sado was placed in the middle, with another one of the bigger guys on the opposing team.

Another sound came from the whistle, the ball was thrown in the air. Sado knocked the ball to his teammates.

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