Chapter 25

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Eva sweating and barely being able to respond, she only shook her head.

He pulled out, semen poured on her back. As he moaned and Eva released, spraying Sado and the ground. She collapses from his grip.

Sado and Eva, suddenly heard footsteps. Evara began to freak out. Sado picked her up and pushed past the janitor shelves.

They sat all the way in the back, hoping to not be noticed.

Sado put his underwear on and began putting his pants on. Eva scurried over to grab her bra on the floor and underwear. She quickly pulled her bra over her head, and slid her underwear on.

Just as she were about to crawl and put her outfit fully back on. She footsteps got closer, and closer. Pounding into the floor, her heart beat quickened. Thinking of the worst possible outcome, she turned to Sado.

She didn't know what to do. Judging by the look her reflected off his, he didn't know what to do either. They didn't know what laid on the other side of that door.

The doorknob shuffled and churned slowly. Evara internally screamed.

"The Janitor!" She whispered sharply.

Sado pulled her by her waist, and placed her into his lap. His back leaned against the wall, mumbling cursed under his breath. Hoping it isn't anything, hoping it's a figment of their imaginations. Without thinking, he adjusted his position.

He held her tighter and moved one hand to her mouth. He tried to muffle her, in the quickest way possible. While his other hand moved slightly upwards to her waist.

Eva went silent as the light of the outside, burned onto her eyes. Two figures entered the room. They were whispering little nothingness into their ears as they made-out.

Eva squinted her eyes trying to make out the people. The door was closed and Eva's eyes adjusted back to the dimly lit room.

They kept quiet as the couple continued. The sound of smooches were heard in the background. Eva froze when she heard slight moaning.

The moans the from the figure was deep. 'It had to be a guy,' Eva thought.

The more she thought about it, the more shocked she became. She voice sounded more familiar, the more and more they listened in.

Sado's warm breathe was hitting the back of Eva's neck.  "I think, Yoruichi is in here." Sado whispered.

Evara embarrassingly whispered, "I think Jax might also be in here."

She averted her eyes from Sado, and aligned her vision. 'The figures, the voices, it all seemed so familiar.' She thought.

But before she could finish her thought, she was interrupted, by whispers and the sound of moaning.

"But what would they possibly be doing in the janitors closet? We have to get back to the game in a couple of minutes. Fourth quarter is rounding up." Sado responded quietly.

Sado and Eva looked at one another.

"Do you think their going to?" Sado asked.

"I don't know" Eva cried, quietly.

Sado put his hand on her mouth again, as he felt Jax's energy off. He pulled away from the kiss and averted his gaze from Yoruichi. Jax looked around the room, and paused his stare, in one set position.

Jax's eyes widened, he was staring directly at Eva and Sado. Jax froze, as if he'd seen a ghost. To his surprise, Eva and Sado were half naked in the janitors closet. AND. They basically watched him and Yoruichi make-out. They also heard him moaning.

Jax went pale, he was frozen in place. Yoruichi kept asking questions and messing around to find out, why he froze so suddenly.

She trailed his eyes and locked eyes with the half naked figures in the room. Yoruichi's eyes widened, she grabbed Jax and ran out the closet with him.

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