Chapter 4

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Eva and Sado walked down to the commons area. The walk their was silent as Eva were attempting to gain her composure back, Sado Silently walked trailing behind her.  She assumed he was maybe on his phone. To soften up the atmosphere, she decide to ask a couple of questions.

"So, Sado." Eva turned around and was astonished, she was correct with her past statement. Sado was typing away on his phone.

He slowly looked up, and responded in a deep voice
"Hmm" he looked up from his phone, his shaggy hair to the side, still covering his right eye.

"Do you have any friends in the university you came from?"
"Yes." He stated, Eva deadpanned the atmosphere was once thick again. She couldn't help but question why his personality changed so quickly, back in room A32, when Ari Barged in.

After walking what felt forever they finally made it to the commons building. It read 'A11'.

Sado looked away from his phone, and responded to the question, "Ichigo.."

"Oh." She responded.

Eva were reaching for the door when Sado, stopped her by pulling the door.

"Ladies first." He stated with a blank expression.

"Thank you." Eva politely accepted his chivalryness.

Eva walked in the smell of books overwhelmed her nose. Sado walking behind her. Eva directed Sado the the librarian. She left him to ask his questions, while she needed to finish researching. She walked to the table with one person their.
It was a girl. She was a ginger with black glasses. She had dark eyes, almost black. She had a collared shirt, layered with a vest on top. She had a white skirt with brown clogs. Her hair was very long judging by the way it was put up into a bun.

Eva pulled the chair and said down. She put her forest green crossbody bag on the table. She began digging for her laptop, when she were interrupted by the ginger.

A glare appeared on the red heads face. "You can't sit here."

Eva paused, "Excuse me, what?" Puzzled by the rude response she continued to rummage through her bag.

The ginger cleared her throat, "Ahem. Are you deaf? I said you can't sit here, bitch." Her eyes narrowed.

'Hold it Eva... DONT do it Eva.. Hold it in' Eva argues with her inner mind. She continues to go through her bag, as her eyes narrow. One of Her fists, balled up.

"I said, YOU CANT SIT HERE BITCH." The red head says, she stands up, pushing the chair behind her. She pulls her hand to slap Eva, when it's stopped by a darker hand.

The ginger girl gasped greatly, as Eva turned around to see Sado blocking the slap with his hand. "Orihime!" His deep voice yelled. Eva quivered under the power and rage of his voice. He then grasps the Ginger's wrist in his hand.

"Owwww Chad!" Tears formed in her eyes, as his grip tightened around her wrist. "It h-h-hurts!"

"Why are you troubling my friend?" He stated with fiery ablaze in his eyes, "Leave her alone." His eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing Orihime's soul.

"I'm S-Sorry." Orihime stated. Eva rolled her eyes and accepted the apology. Sado let go of wrist.

"Let's go Eva." He initiated with slight aggression.

He softly grabbed Eva's wrist and tugged her to follow.

Tainted -  Sado x Oc Fan Fic.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora