Chapter 9

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He pulled away and stared into her eyes, she averted her from his. Her stomach grumbled, and a pregnant pause occurred. A wave of shock washed through Sado's face.

"Oh, you haven't eaten since yesterday haven't you." He stated, Eva looked away in embarrassment. Sado grabbed their bags and stuffed her shoes in his. He lifted her body up, bridal style. Carrying her to her dorm room, he opens the door and places her down.

She walks in and turned around to find Sado, not following behind. "You aren't coming in?" Eva stated with a confused expression. He looked down, "I can't-". Eva interrupted, "Why not?" she asked in a quizzical voice. 

"It's improper of me... to enter a woman's room. " He claimed. 

'He's such a gentleman.' Eva thought to herself as she smiled.

"That's very considerate of you, but I don't mind." She stated, he only shook his head in silence.

"I'll wait at the door." He responded, as he slowly closed it shut.

Eva changed into her baggy, oversized sweatpants. She then, carefully lifted her shirt off her torso. The bandages tightly placed there, she was there sitting on her bed. Adjusting her bandages, with only her bra-on. 

"Eva- I ran to the infirmary and back. I realized you left your ph-." The sound a phone dropped on the carpet floor. Eva turned her head in shock to see Sado, staring at her wide eyed. "S-S-SADO!" she shrieked, she pulled her comforter over her upper body to cover her cleavage shown. Blush forced its way onto his face, he trembled for a couple of seconds.

 Eva's eyes widened. Sado looked away and covered his eyes. "Eva I'm so sorry, I knocked a couple of times, but you didn't answer." By the time he finished his statement, he was outside fo the room with the door closed. His bodyweight shifted onto the door, "I'm really sorry Eva."

Eva fixed her bandages and threw a hoodie over herself. She picked up her phone and placed her crossbody bag to the side of her bed. She slid on some white shoes and opened the door. "You're fine Sado." Closing it behind her she looked up and lightly smiled at him.

"Here.." He reached his hand out, "What?" Eva responded.

He grabbed her wrist and gently grabbed her, "Cmon, I have a good breakfast place to take you."

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