Chapter 27

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A/N: I have a lot of school work and exams so instead of posting (3x) I week I may be posting one or twice is week depending on how busy I am. I am so so sorry, but when my fall break comes up I'll have a fall special including 10 chapters and 5 OVA chapters.

We are almost at 300 Reads, so some applause to you guys. Thanks for reading my first fan fiction. I am
So glad we have made it this far. 27 chapters isn't easy.
When I become less busy I will aswell be increasing the 500 minimum to a 1000 minimum.

So I won't be having 500 words per chapter, I will soon start doing 1000 words per chapter. I feel like the ones I write are way to short and need a little more to it. Heads up if I do make 1000 words chapters I may be posting once a week due to the fact that I am very busy. Again apologies for my Hiatus. But I'm glad to be back and I'm glad you guys are enjoying my fanfiction. Now you may be tired of reading this so back to the fan fiction.

Previously on Tainted...
He shoots and misses, Ichimaru gets the rebounds and runs it down the court he gets choked up by the people guarding him. In defense he passes it to Urahara, he dribbles the ball between his legs and passes it to
Sado on the other side of the court. We're hitting 3 seconds on the clock of fourth quarter. The milliseconds ticking down, time felt like it was slowing down. The sweat dripped off Sado's head as he received the ball.

Eva stood up, cheering him on. "SHOOT SADO", "YOU GOT THIS."

He slung the hall with his hands across the court, the milliseconds ticking even slower. The crowd silent. This nerve wracking fear of what ifs filling their heads. The time seemed as if it were ticking faster for the time instead of the ball going in.

Now on Tainted...

Who knows 50/50 chance it may or may not go in but the chances of a half court shot are extremely unlikely.

Less than a seconds left and everything seems to be going by faster. The anticipation of it going in lengthened, it hits the rim as people stood up in distress. It rolled around the rings of the ring ever so slightly. If the air pressure was even off it may not go on. If so, they could win. But if they don't win they could go into overtime.

Something they don't want. Every year the school would either win or lose. That may seem typical for a college campus. However if they win they win. If they ever go into overtime it was a guaranteed that our school would lose. It's like a curse, I mean that's what they call it. The "Overtime curse".

The ball spinning on the rim the milliseconds within its last ones before it creates that ear splitting screech.

The rim teasing the ball. The hall slowly rolled into the hoop scoring the winning point for the Black Jackals.

115-118 In OUR FAVOUR.

"We won!" Ari yelped, "We broke the curse!"

The gym echoed with cheers. Everyone exploded in their seats, showing their school spirit.

Yoruichi grasped onto Ari, "We really won!" They cried in joy, pulling one another close.

Sado's teammates swarmed him jumping and shouting in victory.

Eva smiles at the thought of seeing Sado smile, once his group dispersed he ran up to Eva, picked her up. Sado twirled her im the air ever so lightly.

Eva giggled lightly as he put her down.

"Congrats Sado, I'm so proud of you!" Eva smiled and cupped his face. He looked down and her and gazed into her eyes. He took his hand and placed it on her chin. He lifted it ever so slightly.

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