Kyles Joi's Fanfiction Corner (Family)

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When Myles woke up the next morning, he was terrified that the entire thing had been a dream. His worries were assuaged after he saw his five year old son sleeping peacefully. He reached out and gently cradled his child. 'This isn't a dream...'

"Myles, are you okay?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah," Myles nodded through tears of joy and relief. "It's just...I was worried that everything that had happened was just a hallucination or a dream. But it was all real...Kenny, my son's alive and I reunited with him..."

Kenny patted his boyfriend's back. "Sam Joo is here with us,"

Sam yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Daddy?"

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Myles gently asked.

"Nuh-uh," Sam shook his head. "I'm hungry. Breakfast?"

"What would you like to eat?" Myles questioned.


Myles smiled softly and the trio made their way to the living room. "Turtle!" Sam ran over to Fireball who was on the couch.

"That's not a turtle," Kenny gently corrected. "Fireball is a Torkoal which is a fire tortoise,"

"Fireball is warm," Sam hugged Fireball's shell. "I like Fireball,"

"Torkoal, Tor,"

Myles teared up again when he heard Sam's giggles. Kenny placed a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Why don't you stay with them and I'll make breakfast?"

Myles silently nodded in agreement. As Kenny headed to the kitchen, Myles took a seat on the couch beside Sam and Fireball. 'He's alive...Sam is alive and he's here with me. He's here with me, Fireball, and Kenny,'

Three years. He had missed out on three years of his son's life. He had missed out on over half of  his son's life. It made him angry and frustrated at himself for not realizing that his son had been alive all this time. Myles hated himself for not finding Sam sooner.

When Kenny announced that breakfast was ready, they all gathered in the kitchen. Sam happily took several big bites from his stack of pancakes. "Yummy!"

"I'm glad you like my cooking, Sam," Kenny ruffled his step-son's hair. "Hey Myles, have you thought about enrolling him in school?"

"Yeah, but not yet," Myles said. "Just...I want a few days with Sam without worrying about anything. Just for at least a few days,"

"Take all the time you need," Kenny told him.

"And...I'm thinking of taking a break from Fanfiction Corner," Myles added. "I want to focus on Sam for the time being,"

"Alright," Kenny nodded. "I might start my own MeTube channel,"

"Oh? What kind of channel?"

"Not sure yet," Kenny shrugged. "Maybe a cooking channel or a vlogging channel,"

"Whatever type of channel it is, I'll fully support it," Myles promised. "Maybe I'll randomly become co-host like how you somehow became Fanfiction Corner's co-host,"

Kenny chuckled. "Maybe,"

There will be more of the FanCornverse, just under different chapter titles, like the chapter  I'm working on that's about Biollante Cha, Hyunjin's pet Carnivine.

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