Donald's #1 Fanboy

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Requested by @ChocolateShak3

Prompt: Kingsley is secretly a crazy simp for him and Donald knows it, that's why Donald told him to wait outside before he stripped in front of Wolf. He didn't want to deal with Kingsley's fanboying 💀💀

Kingsley Kwan simped for Donald Na, but he never told anyone, not even Donald himself. He literally only became Donald's assistant and helped him create the Union just because he wanted to remain by Donald's side. 

He loved Donald. He loved staring at him while he worked on some papers or ate. He loved hearing him speak, even if his voice wasn't being directed towards him. He loved the times their hands briefly brushed against each other when he handed things to Donald. 

Although Kingsley tried to keep his obsession a secret, Donald noticed but didn't say anything. Kingsley trying to win his affections would keep him loyal. Sometimes, Donald would amuse himself by teasing Kingsley and watching him try to keep calm and composed.

Donald knew there was a potential risk of his friend getting a huge nosebleed and being sent to the emergency room due to blood loss, so he ordered Kingsley to stay outside while he spoke to Wolf. As he spoke to the Ganghak High School head, Donald changed out of his suit to a more casual but still expensive attire. For a brief moment, his torso was bare.

'I wonder how Kingsley would react,' Donald smirked at the thought of his friend being extremely jealous. 'I kept him outside because I didn't want him to fanboy or faint in front of Wolf. This conversation is a serious matter,'

Outside, Kingsley was very jealous. He knew Donald didn't like wearing his suits outside of business meetings, so he was probably changing into his designer brand jackets instead. That meant that he would be taking off his shirt and being bare-backed and bare-chested in front of Wolf!

'It's not fair!' Kingsley pouted since no one was around to see his expression. 'I'm Donald's most trusted friend and subordinate! I deserve to see him shirtless more than Wolf! I wanna see Donald's solid muscles and hot abs! I wanna trace his tattoos with my fingers! Wolf couldn't give a fuck about seeing Donald shirtless!'

"If only there was some way to see inside without opening the door..." Kingsley mumbled to himself. "Wait, Alistair installed security cameras!' He quickly sent a text and received a link to view the camera footage. 'Yes! Just in time to see Donald strip!'

Kingsley took several screenshots as his nose bled a lot. He started to feel light headed and leaned against the wall for support before sliding down to the floor.

The meeting had only been brief so Wolf exited the office quickly. He paused in the doorway once he saw Kingsley lying on the floor. "Hey, Kingsley's dead," He then left.

"Again?" Donald walked over to Kingsley and picked him up. 

Kingsley regained conscious upon being lifted off the floor and when he realized he was being carried by his crush, more blood spurted from his nose and he once again lost conscious.

"And you're going to need another blood transfusion," Donald sighed. "Seriously, you're more obsessed with me than my fangirls at school,"

Donald actually donated some of his blood to Kingsley but didn't tell him because Kingsley would get all weird and be overjoyed at having Donald's blood inside of him.

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