Kyles Joi's Fanfiction Corner (Grape Gets Kidnapped)

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Forrest, Robin, and Grape were passing under Sinjeong Bridge on their way to Ganghak to drop off the money and the files.

"Hey asshole," Myles called out to Forrest. "Long time no see,"

"M-Myles," Forrest stuttered. 'Even though we've seen him act all goofy on camera, he's still a former member of the Union,'

"I thought you overthrew me and took over Hyeongshin for some great cause, but you're just a pet to Grape's boyfriend," Myles lit a cigarette. "I'm still pissed about you snitching on me,"

"Wolf isn't my boyfriend," Grape deadpanned.

"It's not my fault that you were making deals with Manwol!" Forrest argued.

"I was gathering information for my fanfiction!" Myles snapped. "Because of you, I missed out on witnessing the romantic moments between my son and his boyfriend!"

"I did not agree to be your or Kenny's son," Grape said but was ignored.

"Leave the files and money on the ground and get the hell outta here," Myles ordered. "Except Grape. My son's coming with me,"

"I can't do that," Forrest refused. "You have no idea how bad things are in the Union right now,"

"I'm pretty sure I do know," Myles scoffed. "I keep up with the news. Y'all got your asses beat by Eunjang," He flicked his cigarette at Forrest's face and punched him. He snapped at his Manwol minions, signaling them to attack. "Leave my son as unharmed as possible,"

"I'm not your son!"

Manwol began to attack the trio. One of the guys knocked Grape out while the others fought Robin and Forrest. 

"You...fucking assholes!" Forrest punched both of the Manwol guys that were attacking him.

"Interesting..." Myles hummed as he scratched his pet rat's head. 

"You know, maybe if you had mentioned that you weren't actually betraying the Union at that time, you wouldn't have gotten excommunicated!" Forrest argued.

"Your reactions had to be realistic!" Myles pointed out. "For all I know, everyone's bad acting would expose me! Right, Better Forrest?"


"See?" Myles said. "Better Forrest understands," 

Myles and Manwol defeated Forrest and Robin easily. They then took Grape, the money, and the files as they left.


"Myles, I'm not your son," Grape said as he ate the peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich and sipped the grape juice box he had been given.

"Squeak," Better Forrest sat next to Grape.

"You weren't kidding when you said your pet rat looked like Forrest," Grape gave the rat some of his sandwich.

"You're mine and Kenny's son," Myles told him. "Everyone on the internet agrees. Even Jake agrees on you being Kenny's son,"

"You and your fans are weird," Grape finished his snacks and then stood up. "I'm leaving," 

"Bye!" Myles waved. "I'll pick you up after Kenny's done with therapy for the day,"

"Please don't," Grape refused.

"And then we'll talk about helping you and Wolf plan your wedding!"

"NO!" Grape bolted out of the room, not even bothering to try to take back the money and files.


Donald bitch slapped Forrest when he reported that Myles had stolen the money and files and had kidnapped Grape. "It's one thing to lose a fight since you can always have a rematch. It's another thing to lose money that can vanish into thin air. Just because I watch Myles' livestreams doesn't mean he can get away with anything he does. If he interferes with Union business, I expect you to deal with him as if he were any other enemy,"

"Forrest! Robin!" Grape rushed into the room. "Myles was shipping me with Wolf again!"

"Grape! You're okay!" Robin sighed in relief. "What did Myles do to you!?"

"He gave me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a juice box," Grape answered. "And then he wanted me and Wolf to get married!"

"Squeak!" Better Forrest had snuck into Grape's pocket and popped his head out.

"I still can't believe he named his pet rat after me," Forrest poked the rat's cheek. "And why the fuck does he actually look like me?"

Better Forrest bit the red haired teen's finger. "SQUEAK!"

"ARGH!" Forrest screamed as he yanked the rat off. 

Better Forrest crawled onto Grape's shoulder and stuck his tongue out at Forrest. "Squeak, squeak!"

"Ahem," Donald cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Grape, where is Myles' hideout?"

"D-Dorim Shopping Complex," Grape stuttered.

"Forrest, make sure every Union member in Hyeongshin is at the Union assembly. And I mean everyone," Donald ordered. "Now get out,"

"O-Okay..." Forrest, Robin, Grape, and Better Forrest all left.


Grape had been kidnapped again. He had been on his way home and once he had parted ways with Forrest and Robin, Myles had popped out of fucking nowhere and had kidnapped him. So, now he was at Myles' apartment, eating dinner with Myles, Kenny, and Better Forrest.

Grape thought about running away again, but it was free food. The food was also fucking amazing. 'Okay, maybe I'll take advantage of my new 'parents' since they ignore me denying being their kid,' Hey, he had been tormented by Wolf since middle school so he deserved a break, okay?

Okay, Grape was also kinda enjoying the attention. I mean, can you really blame him? Parents don't really exist in the Weak Hero World except for Phillip Kim's rich ass parents! Just let the poor Fruit Child enjoy parental love!

"So I'm confused," Grape spoke up during dinner. "Are the two of you dating or not?"

"We decided to fake date and then eventually break up so that the Kyles fans will stop shipping us," Myles informed. 

"But we found out that we really liked dating each other and so we're actually official now," Kenny added. "I gotta introduce Myles to my parents this weekend. You wanna come with us, Grape?"

"Of course he has to come with us!" Myles said. "He's our son!"

I know other parents make cameos like Gray's Mom, Stephen's Mom, Alex's Mom, and Toby's Dad, but Phillip has both parents who are rich and supportive despite him being a delinquent.

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