Master Plan (Part 1)

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The basement door opens and a dark-clothed hunter guides Stiles down the stairs by twisting a knife deeper into his back.

Stiles grunts in pain, feeling the knife sliding between his ribs.

With a shove, the hunter sends Stiles tumbling down the last steps, ripping the knife out painfully. Despite his lacrosse pads, he crashes painfully to the concrete floor.

"Ow," Stiles growls, putting a hand on the wound, he feels the flesh slowly knitting itself together.

The door above slams shut, plunging the room into darkness. Stiles reaches up, trying to feel along the wall when he hears breathing and two heartbeats.

He holds still, listening close. The breaths come urgent. Tight, frightened gasps. The hearts increasing their pace.

Hand on the wall, Stiles pushes himself to his feet. He finds a dark cord and grasps hold of it. He follows it with his fingers up to a switch and a lamp clicks on.

Hand on the wall, Stiles pushes himself to his feet. He finds a dark cord and grasps hold of it. He follows it with his fingers up to a switch and a lamp clicks on.

Boyd and Erica are suspended from the ceiling, their toes barely touching the floor, hands wrapped in chains, their mouths gagged. They stare back at Stiles, bloodied and weak, eyes filled with fear, pain, and hopelessness.

Change Of View

Under the flash of red and blue lights, Melissa watches two EMT's lift the body bag containing Jackson into the back of an ambulance.

A clear, viscous liquid drips from the edge of the bag, just catching Melissa's eye. Before she can do anything, however, the ambulance driver slams the doors shut.

"Thanks for your help, but we can take it from here," He tells her.

"You know, I'm going to have to give a statement. Why don't I just ride with you?" Melissa suggests.

"Uh, I think that would be--"

"Perfect," Melissa interrupts,"Great."

Melissa jumps into the passenger side of the ambulance. The confused Driver shrugs and gets in.

Change Of View

Deputies finish questioning players while Stilinski talks with Isaac and Scott, both of whom are now changed out of their uniforms. Flipping the pages of his notepad, Stilinski's hands are noticeably shaky.

"I have to meet the medical examiner and figure out what happened with Jackson, but I've got an A-P-B out for Stiles. His Jeep's still in the parking lot, which means..." Stilinski can't finish the sentence,"Well, I don't know what it means. If he answers his phone or email or if either of you see him--"

"We'll call you," Isaac tells him.

"Guys, after everything that's happened lately..." Stilinski starts.

"He probably just got freaked out by the attention or something," Scott lies,"We'll find him."

Stilinski nods, but doesn't look encouraged. He motions for his men to follow and the locker room begins clearing out.

An unusually distraught Coach approaches Scott. He can't seem to stop turning his whistle over and over with his fingers,"McCall, we need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you back on the field next season unless your grades are up."

"I know, Coach," Scott tells him.

"I mean I yell and scream a lot but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kind of hate Greenberg, but that's different. I'm just saying we need you. Get your grades up, okay? Get back on the team."

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