Raving (Part 1)

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A phone vibrates across the top of a desk. Jackson snatches it up to look at the screen. Then begins thumbing a reply.

Time Skip

Slipping into his car, Jackson brings up the navigation system and starts inputting an address, copying it from the text on his phone. The open car door chimes as the Porsche roars out of the darkness, headlights falling over the paint-chipped walls of an old warehouse.

Jackson steps out and removes his phone from his pocket. With the click of his thumb, detailed instructions appear in a text message - Take NW door. Left to stairs. Down 2 flights.

Pushing through a door, Jackson steps into an almost pitch black corridor. Eerily quiet, except for the creak of floorboards beneath his feet.

He starts walking. When he rounds a corner, he pauses, hearing voices. Like whispers drifting toward him. He starts forward again, reaching up in the darkness to push open a door into a crowded corridor. A lineup of teens and twenty-somethings glance momentarily back at Jackson. None particularly surprised to see him, they return to impatient chatting.

Inching around, Jackson peers ahead to see the line ends at an old wood slatted elevator.

Dark figures quickly trade cash for tickets through the slats. Two teenage girls step from the head of the line and hurry off past Matt. Nervously staring at Jackson,"Hey... Jackson. You're not going to punch me again, are you?"

Jackson cocks his head as if confused. Almost like he doesn't even recognize Matt.

"You want to go ahead of me?" He asks him.

Jackson nods. Matt steps aside and lets him in. Breathing in relief, he notices someone else behind the crowd.

Scott. Except he's not stepping into line. He's watching. Keeping his eyes on Jackson.

Matt throws him a questioning glance, but Scott shakes his head, a surreptitious request to act normal. Finally, Matt looks forward again while Scott pulls back into the shadows.

Change Of View

A desk lamp clicks on. Under the glow, Sheriff Stilinski pulls off the wrapper from a burger. But when he takes a bite, he nearly chokes on it,"What the hell is this?" He asks, the food in his cheek, glaring across the desk at his son.

"Veggie burger," Stiles tells him, pulling out his own food.

"I asked for a hamburger," Stilinski reminds him.

"Well, veggie is healthier," Stiles replies,"And we're being healthy."

"Oh, hell," Stilinski grumbles,"Why are you trying to ruin my life?"

"I'm trying to extend your life," Stiles corrects,"Could you just eat it, please? And tell me what you found?"

"No," Stilinski answers immediately,"I'm not sharing confidential police work with a teenager."

"Is it on the board behind you?" Stiles asks, leaning toward the papers and photos pinned to a board behind Stilinski's desk.

"Don't look at that," Stilinski orders,"Avert your eyes."

While the sheriff attempts to obstruct Stiles's view, he just glances at the board,"Just...It's just--I see arrows pointing at pictures."

"Okay, okay, stop," Stilinski says finally,"Fine. I found something. The mechanic and the couple who were murdered all had something in common."

"All three?"

"All three," Stilinski confirms,"And you know what I always say. One's an incident. Two's a coincidence."

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