Fury (Part 1)

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Outside the Whittemore home, Matt hesitates over handing his camera to Jackson.

"I'm starting to feel weird about this. This doesn't have anything to do with Allison, does it?" Matt asks.

"You have a little thing for Allison, Matt?" Jackson asks, amused at how pathetic Matt seems,"A little crush?"


"But you think I'm going to waste my time by doing something as unbelievably ordinary as making a sex tape?"

"Then what are you doing?"

"Documenting history," Jackson says, snatching the camera bag from his shoulder,"You'll get it back tomorrow."

Matt drifts back down the walkway, pausing to give a last look at the house as Jackson slams the door shut.

Slipping inside his father's car, Matt keeps an eye on the Whittemore home while pulling out a Samsung Note phone. With a few taps on the oversized screen a command appears: Connect To Camera.

A window pops up on the screen with the words: Connected and is quickly replaced with the exact image being recorded on the camera inside Jackson's room.

The streaming video on Matt's phone shows Jackson in his boxers positioning the camera toward his bed.

"Son of a bitch," Matt says,"I knew you were lying."

Still alone, Jackson eases onto the bed. Curious, Matt waits for something to happen. But it appears Jackson is simply recording himself falling asleep.

As the time code on the screen races forward, as Jackson turns over and drifts off to sleep, Matt's own eyelids close.

With a blink, he snaps awake.

On the screen, Jackson sits up in bed. With robotic stiffness, he turns to face the camera, eyes beginning to glow.

"What the hell..." Matt mumbles.

Lurching off the bed, Jackson's head whips back, mouth falling open to reveal a set of double-rowed teeth. His hands hit the floor, body twisting, limbs wrenching.

Matt sits up, gripping the phone while his gaze remains fixed on the screen. But Jackson disappears from view.

Breath held, Matt brings the phone closer, searching the frame when a snarling Jackson whips in front of the screen, half transformed. Launching up, he charges right past it.

Something hits the pavement just outside the house.

Matt turns to the driver's side window just quick enough to see a shadow hurtle past. Hand darting to the door console, he locks himself in.

Claws click across the pavement while inside the car, a frantic Matt twists around to see out the windows. He pauses, eyes widening as he gets a clear look.

A pair of glowing eyes approach. Mesmerized, Matt's breathing slows to normal, as if he's no longer afraid.

He eases toward the driver's side, approaching the window as the Kanima comes nearer. Almost by instinct, Matt slowly raises his hand, fingers splayed.

The Kanima reaches up as well, claws landing on the window just as Matt's fingers connect with the glass.

Lahey's face flashes before Matt. Dripping wet, he shouts something urgently, furiously, but there's no sound.

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