Raving (Part 2)

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Deaton holds up a vial of clear liquid to the light. Hope, Scott, and Stiles step forward for a closer look.

"Ketamine?" Hope asks the vet.

"Same thing we use on dogs," Deaton reminds her,"Just a higher dosage."

Deaton hands Scott the vial and a hypodermic.

"If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down enough to buy you some time," Deaton tells them.

"Ketamine for the Kanima," Hope says, then immediately regrets it,"Yeah, that wasn't funny."

Deaton places a glass jar in front of Stiles filled with black ash. The symbol on the top of the jar is for Rowan,"This is a sample of what you'll use to create the barrier. Now, this part is for you, Stiles. And only you."

"Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure," Stiles replies,"Could we find a slightly less pressure-filled task for me?"

"It's from the mountain ash tree," Deaton says, ignoring Stiles's question,"Which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural. This office is lined with mountain ash wood which makes it difficult for someone like Scott or Hope to cause me any trouble. But not you."

"I'm a werewolf too," Stiles says,"So I don't really see this is going to work."

"Your breed of werewolf is immune to mountain ash," Deaton tells him, making Stiles's eyes go wide,"Lycanthropes like Scott were made with Earth magic, the spirit magic that allows them to access the power of wolves. But the Cursed Wolves came from dark magic, it's unnatural, forced. No control. So, like vampires, it won't work on you."

"Bone breaking and all that, I know," Stiles says, picking up the vial,"So I spread this around the whole building and neither Jackson or whoever's controlling him won't be able to cross it?"

Deaton nods,"They'll be trapped."

"Doesn't sound too hard," Scott states.

"That's not all there is," Deaton says.

"It never is," Hope mumbles.

"Think of it like gunpowder," Deaton continues,"It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark, Stiles."

"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that," Stiles admits.

"Let me try a different analogy," Deaton offers,"I used to play golf. What's interesting about the best golfers is they never swing without first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind. And their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish."

"Force of will," Stiles repeats unsurely.

"If this is going to work, Stiles, you have to believe it," Deaton informs him.

Stiles looks down at the vial unsurely.

"If the Ketamine doesn't work, there is an alternative," Deaton tells them,"But that will require Hope."

Hope's eyes widen when she hears that,"Why me?"

"It's a spell," Deaton says,"But I'm not certain if it'll work on Jackson since no one has ever tried using it on a Kanima."

Hope starts feeling strangely giddy when she hears that she may have an opportunity to learn a new spell,"What is it?"

"It's a simple spell," Deaton says,"Ad somnum."

Ad somnum," Hope repeats, expecting something to happen,"What does it do."

"Makes people go unconscious," Deaton says simply,"Until you wake them up by saying surgere."

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