Wolf's Bane (Part 3)

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Necklace in hand, Scott lands on the walkway just in front of the door. He goes for his bike at the curb when a voice that sends chills to his bones says,"Scott?"

Getting out of his parked car just around the corner of the house, Argent throws Scott a friendly smile.

Before he knew it Scott was following Argent into their house and kitchen.

"She should be back in a few minutes," Argent informs him, not even having to say her name,"She sometimes goes for a run after school."

"That's okay," Scott replies, wanting to leave desperately,"I should go. I've got a game tonight."

"You want something to drink?" Argent asks,"I'm going to have a beer."

Argent pulls two beers from the fridge. Bewildered, Scott watches him uncap both and slide the second one over.

"You don't need to test me anymore," Scott informs him,"Your daughter already dumped me."

"No test. And sorry. High school romances. Burn bright. Fade fast," Argent tells him, gesturing to the beer,"Go ahead."

"I'm good. Thanks," Scott says, about to leave.

"So, I was curious about something, Scott. How do you know Derek Hale?" Argent asks, almost sounding like an accusation.

They connect eyes. All friendly demeanor gone. And all Scott can reply with is,"Who?"

Change Of View

Allison races through the trails, running less for exercise and more with purpose. She slows only when her destination is finally revealed through the trees ahead the Hale House, and this whole time she wasn't aware that she was being followed by a certain invisible witch.

Behind her invisible exterior, Hope swallows, knowing that Allison coming here wasn't an accident.

Hope continues to follow Allison as she steps inside the dark and lonely structure. She gazes around the charred walls, peers up the stairs. Stepping into the second room, she notices something on the floor.

Kneeling to get a closer look, she finds four deep grooves scratched into the floor.

Spreading her fingers out, she traces the lines, simulating for her own eyes how the grooves might have been scratched in by a human hand. Then she looks up and screams.

For a second Hope thought that the invisibility spell must have worn off, but then she realizes Kate is standing under the archway.

"Damn, you've got some lungs on you," Kate says, rubbing her ears.

"Did you follow me here?" Allison demands, and Hope backs herself up against a charred wall, not wanting to get in the way if someone walks towards the other.

"Can't blame me for being concerned about my favorite niece, can you? What are you looking for?" Kate asks, and Hope notices how she hadn't even talked to her mother the whole day, but Kate doesn't seem the least concerned about that.

"I don't know. Something. Anything," Allison answers, looking around at what was left of the house.

"You mean answers. To lingering questions. Like..." Kate stops herself, knowing Allison would want to finish that sentence.

"Why would he want to kill us?" Allison finishes after a moment.

"Well, look at this place. Imagine if your father and I were trapped in something like this. Might do some interesting things to your head, don't you think?" Kate tells her, and Hope grits her teeth together.

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