Frenemy (Part 1)

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Out of the haze of video static, the face of Jackson Whittemore comes into focus. Peering into the lens of Matt's camera, he makes one last adjustment to its position.

Lying back on his bed, a smile creeps over his face in anticipation of his glorious transformation into a werewolf.

A blast of static jumps the video to hours later. Now asleep, Jackson stirs, slowly turning over.

Another burst of static jumps the footage further into the night. Jackson sits up in bed. With robotic stiffness, he turns to face the camera as his eyes begin to glow.

Lurching off the bed, his head snaps back, mouth falling open to reveal a set of double-rowed teeth.

It happens quickly and violently. Jackson's hands hit the floor, body twisting and limbs wrenching, he transforms into a reptilian shapeshifter now known as the Kanima.

Launching up, he charges toward the video camera and then right past it. The image cuts to black.

End Flashback

Danny taps a command on his tablet and the message vanishes from the screen, sent off to Jackson. Tossing the tablet into the trunk of his car, Danny slams it shut.

Derek Hale runs as fast as he can. Leaping over a chain link fence with an acrobatic flip, he drops to the other side, landing on all fours. When he lifts his head he's now a werewolf. A red eyed Alpha.

In the distance, he spots the glowing eyes of the Kanima peering back at him, almost challenging him to catch up.

Derek lopes after it, hands and feet pounding the pavement. As the Kanima bounds up the side of a building, a voice calls out,"There he is!" Scott yells.

Stiles's Jeep soars into the street. Gripping the wheel, he struggles around a turn while Scott tracks the Kanima's movement from the passenger side.

Just as they're closing in, however, Stiles slams on the brakes. They screech to a stop at a parking lot entrance where severe tire damage spikes jut up from the pavement.

"What do we do--" Stiles starts.

But Scott is already out the door and running for it, climbing over the fence and running after him.

"I'm gonna catch up with him," Hope says, climbing out of the back seat.

"Well, how're you gonna do that?" Stiles asks.

As an answer she jumps off the hood of the jeep, over the fence and when she lands she's a white wolf, running after Scott.

A frustrated breath escapes Stiles's lips as he leans back against his seat,"Of course."

Change Of View

Allison pulls her car to the curb in front of the Martin home and turns to Lydia,"I need you to promise you won't say anything about what just happened."

"I'll promise not to say anything about what just happened if you can tell me what the hell just happened," Lydia replies.

"It's kind of complicated," Allison struggles to explain.

"How about you start with why Derek was there? Where Jackson went? What was wrong with Erica?"

Allison struggles in silence.

"Need a minute to come up with a plausible lie?" Lydia sneers.

"Part of the reason I'm asking is because Scott and I aren't supposed to be seeing each other. Okay?" Allison says, hoping she would understand,"So it's better if you keep what you know to yourself."

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now