Code Breaker (Part 2)

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The burned and seemingly abandoned Hale house lies in almost perfect silence in the darkness. Until a teenager's shoes arrive crushing leaves underfoot.

Hope peers out from behind a tree, her ears straining for any sound, her eyes looking for the slightest movement.

A hand clasped her shoulder, and she jumps, spinning around and kicking whoever touched her, in the chest. Scott lands on the ground with a cough.

"Scott?" Hope says incredulously, looking at the werewolf in shock, but she really shouldn't have been that surprised since Scott did howl to find Derek.

Scott nods, standing up,"What are you doing here?"

"Saving Derek," Hope replies,"Don't sneak up on me like that unless you want to have an aneurysm."

"Can you do that?" Scott asks a little fearfully.

"I don't know, but scaring me is a good way to do it," Hope tells him.

Change Of View

Stiles rushes in to find the group of classmates keeping vigil for Lydia. Gasping for breath from running, he slows his pace. Everyone looks up at him, all clearly worried.

"There he is," Stilinski says, walking to his son, an angry expression on his face,"It's a good thing we're in a hospital. Because I'm going to kill you."

Still breathing hard, Stiles says,"I had to run here. My Jeep--the keys--lost my keys."

His gasps slow, however, as he notices the intensive care unit behind his father and Jackson listening in to their conversation nearby.

"Lydia--" Stiles starts.

"They don't know. Partially because they don't know what happened. She lost blood, but there's something else going on with her," Stilinski tells him.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asks worriedly.

"They're saying it's like some kind of allergic reaction. Her body is just going into shock," Stilinski tells his son, noticing the look on his son's face as he processes the effects of the Alpha's bite,"Did you see anything at all? Any idea who or what attacked her?"

Stiles looks up at his father and suffers a long moment of hesitation, looking as if he's dying to tell the truth. But all he can do is shake his head no.

"What about Scott?" Stilinski asks,"Hope?"

Stiles' eyes widen,"What about them?"

"Did they see anything?" Stilinski asks him.

"Wait?" Stiles says, his heart starting to pound, his voice full of fear and panic,"They're not here?"

Stiles glances at Jackson who shrugs, no idea where they are either.

"I've been calling Scott," Stilinski informs him,"But there's no response."

"You won't get one," Stiles realizes.

Change Of View

Scott's cell phone sits by Derek's jacket on the table in the dark basement. Hanging from the restraints, Derek breathes slow and tired breaths. His head lifts when he hears footsteps approaching. Someone wanders out of the darkness. But it's not Scott or Hope. It's Marcus.

"Ready to have a little more fun?" Marcus asks eagerly, a sadistic smile on his face.

Derek only lowers his head, preparing for another beating.

"To be honest, though, my knuckles are kind of hurting. So I brought a little help," Marcus gloats, holding up a baseball bat,"I gotta' warn you, though. I used to play in college."

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now