Ice Pick (Part 1)

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When the sun rises, the light hits Hope's closed eyes, making her wince as her eyes open.

Her body feels filthy, her skin's covered in a layer of dirt and grime.

When she tries to move, she realizes something is holding her still, more accurately an arm.

The bare skin of the arm brushing against her makes Hope realize something, she's completely naked, and so is the one holding her.

Biting down on her bottom lip she manages to extricate herself from the arm when she turns and sees who it is she can only shout one thing,"STILES?"

Stiles' eyes shoot open, standing up immediately and he looks like he's preparing for a fight.

Then he sees Hope, standing there in front of him...without anything clothes on.

"H-Hope?" Stiles says, his eyes unwillingly drifting downward.

Hope blushes, saying,"Invisique," Making her turn invisible to Stiles.

Hope should be more embarrassed, but she's a little distracted by the fact that Stiles is also naked. More than that he looks a lot different, he's still skinny, but now he has muscle that he definitely didn't have before.

"Hope?" Stiles says, looking at where her visible appearance just was,"Are you still there?"

"Y-Yeah," Hope stutters,"Can you cover up please?"

Stiles looks down, realizing that he's also naked, since he doesn't have the ability to turn invisible on command, he just steps behind a tree.

"What happened last night?" Hope asks, remembering some of the things last night, pain, a voice, then running but not in a human way.

Stiles leans his head back against a tree, only flashes of the night before coming back. Then he remembers what Derek had said.

"I'm a Cursed Wolf," Stiles whispers, slumping down onto the ground.

Hope pauses, walking to the tree that Stiles is currently hiding behind,"What's that?" She asks.

"A werewolf," Stiles says,"A different kind then Scott and Derek. Yesterday...Yesterday was my first time shifting," He explains while trying to process the amount of pain that he went through, that he'd have to go through every full moon for the rest of his life.

"Did it hurt a lot?" Hope asks, already starting to put the pieces together.


Hope mutters,"Visibilis," She says, and the invisibility fades, not caring anymore about her lack of clothing, she hugs Stiles.

Stiles swallows, hesitantly hugging her back.

"I think I am too," Hope says, remembering some things from being a wolf, specifically a giant brown wolf.

Stiles pulls back from the hug, keeping his gaze only on her eyes,"You were that white wolf?"

Hope nods, then she looks around,"We need to get out of here. Somebody's probably looking for us."

Stiles nods, standing up and so does Hope,"Can you...make yourself invisible again?" Stiles asks, looking away.

Hope blushes, making herself invisible again.

"Don't suppose you can do anything like that for me," Stiles asks, trying to joke in the tense situation.

"Just...grab some branches or something," She says, trying not to look at mini-Stiles.

"Can you walk in front of me so you don't look back," Stiles says, able to see where she is because of her feet kicking up some of the dirt.

"Yeah," Hope says, walking in front of him,"Do you know where we are?"

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now