Tattoo (Part 2)

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Gently lifting the bandage on Isaac's torso, Melissa looks over the gash inflicted by an Alpha. The wound heals right before her eyes, tissue miraculously binding back to tissue.

"Yeah, it's healing. Visibly. Wow," She says, impressed,"They can't see this. No one can see this."

Isaac's eyes dart from his wound to the door,"Alright, cover it back up."

"I don't think that's going to matter," Melissa informs him, putting the bandage back into place,"You're scheduled for surgery. Which is obviously going to be very confusing for a lot of people."

"Okay, then... do something."

"Me do something? I'm relatively new to all of this. And F-Y-I, there's a Sheriff's Deputy stationed right outside the door."

"You tried calling Derek?"

"Like five times. You don't have any other emergency werewolf contacts?"

Isaac thinks for several moments,"Call Scott or Stiles."

Melissa nods, heading out of Isaac's room, then she finds Stilinski talking to a hospital administrator.

"Believe me, I understand, but--" Stilinski says, then he sees her,"Melissa, help me out here," He says, gesturing to Isaac's room,"Since the amnesiac in 215 can't tell us anything, the girl carrying the modified military stun gun in 216 needs to answer some questions."

He gestures to the other side of the hall where, through an open door, the Girl lies visible in her bed.

"That's kind of unlikely since she's heavily sedated," Melissa says, repeating the same thing the administrator said.

But the Girl lies awake, gripping the removed IV in her fist while listening to Stilinski give orders to his Deputy.

"When she un-sedates, you radio me. She's got ten grand worth of property damage to answer for. I don't want her going anywhere."

The Girl glances at the bedside clock, 9:00 am. Returning her eyes to the ceiling, she stares up with worry. The look of someone who knows time is running out.

Change Of View

The bell rings, Hope, Allison, and Lydia file into class with each other. Looking around, the witch only finds one seat available, the one next to Stiles.

He looks from her to the chair then he slowly slumps lower in his seat.

"Is this seat taken?" Hope asks, praying that her face wasn't red.

"Uh, no," Stiles says,"You can take it. If you want, I mean."

She sits down beside him, glancing to Allison for help but she's dealing with her own awkward situation of sitting in front of Scott.

But then a vibrating turns Hope to her cell phone on the desk. It's an incoming message. In fact, every phone in the room begins buzzing, beeping and vibrating with messages.

Hope raises her phone to look at the message when a confident female voice begins to read it aloud,"'The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds...'"

Heels clicking across the floor as she enters the room, the beautiful Ms. Jennifer Blake reads from her own cell phone,"'...and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky...'"

Lowering her phone, she speaks the last line from memory,"'...seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness.'"

She looks out to the class, rapt with attention,"That is the last line to the first book we're going to read. It's also the last text you'll receive in this class. Phones off, everyone."

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now