Pack Mentality (Part 2)

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A Beacon Hills Deputy Sheriff cruiser pulls up to the end of the driveway of the Hale house. In the backseat a German Shepherd panted, it's tongue lolling out of its mouth.

The Deputy gets out while speaking on his radio,"Looks pretty deserted. Does he want me to take a look inside?"

"Unit Sixteen, it's county property. Order is to make sure it's vacant," Dispatch replied.

"I don't think anybody's home," The Deputy replied, looking at what was left of the house with a bit of fear.

"Sixteen, go inside and see if anyone's there!" Dispatch said annoyed.

The Deputy sighed,"Copy that," He said begrudgingly.

The Deputy holds a nervous stare on the dilapidated house. He glances around, noticing how utterly alone he is. Gathering his nerve, he starts toward the house.

Then he abruptly stops. His eyes flit left and right as if he heard something. Unlatching the clip on his gun, he starts off again.

The German Shepherd puts its nose outside the crack of the open window. It cocked its head toward Derek Hale staring out the window of the house.

His eyes begin to fill with a blue color. Like fluorescent liquid filling his irises.

As the Deputy cautiously approaches the house, a bark makes him flinch. He throws an irritated glance back at his German Shepherd and waves a hand at it.

The dog started pacing the backseat, whining at the Deputy and it let loose several barks.

"Hey, what is it, boy?" The Deputy asked.

The barking turns panicky, the dog desperately trying to get out of the car.

"What the hell?" The Deputy said, looking at the dog and the house behind him.

The dog's whines turned to yips, strangled cries as it tried to get out of the car, looking like it would kill itself if it continued.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," The deputy said, sprinting to the car and diving into the seat and speeding away.

Still looking out the window Derek allows himself a subtle, but satisfied smile. Until he sees someone standing in the settling dust.

"I know you can hear me," Scott said, looking at the house,"I need your help."

Scott walked up the steps and Derek met him outside the house. And Derek just stood there, waiting.

"Okay. I know I was part of you getting arrested. And that we basically announced you being here to the hunters. And I also don't know what happened with your sister..." Scott starts and he stares at Derek as if he will fill in the blanks but he remains silent, and Scott keeps going,"But I think I did something last night. I had this dream about... someone. But someone else got hurt. And it turns out that part of the dream might have actually happened."

"You think you attacked the Driver," Derek said.

"How do you know everything? Are you constantly keeping an eye on me? Did you see what I did last night?" Scott asked, both fearfully and annoyed.

"No," Was all Derek said.

"Then can you at least tell me the truth? Am I going to hurt someone?" Scott asked him.

"Yes," Derek said without a moment of hesitation.

Scott flinched at the abruptness of his answer,"Could I kill someone?"


"Am I going to kill someone?"

"Probably," Derek admitted.

Hope Andrea ArgentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon