Restraint (Part 2)

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As the second bell rings for the start of class, Stiles now finds himself hurrying after Erica,"Do you know how they died?"

"Maybe. If you tell me why you're so interested," Erica says, and she pauses to gauge his reaction. His hesitation,"It's him, isn't it?"

"What? Who? Him who?" Stiles stammers.

"The test didn't work, but it's still him. It's Jackson," Erica realizes.

Change Of View

Taking another step back, Allison's eyes stay fixed on the paralytic toxin dripping from Jackson's nails as they sharpen to claws.

"I thought you wanted to talk," Jackson states.

"I-I-I changed my mind," Allison says, breathless.

She eases toward the door to Coach's office as a naked Jackson slowly approaches.

"You sure?" He asks,"Because you look a little stressed. Is it Scott? Is it that whole thing?"

Reaching the door, Allison tries the handle. It's locked.

"To be honest, I still can't believe you actually think your little Romeo and Juliet story is going to last," Jackson continues.

Allison inches back as he presses forward.

"You know he's eventually going to run to Derek. Join up with him and his wolf pack," Jackson taunts her,"If you don't realize that then you've got to be the stupidest bitch in this town. Other than McCall. Since he's a pretty stupid bitch himself."

"Stop!" Allison begs him,"Just stop!"

But he keeps coming forward,"What are you going to do, Allison, when your stupid bitch of a boyfriend turns on you?"

She darts toward the door, but Jackson's hand comes up fast, arm blocking her in.

"They kill your aunt. They almost kill Lydia. Who do you really think's going to be next? Not you. It can't be you. Because you're in love. Is that what you tell yourself? That Scott's different?" He says, almost laughing,"That everything's going to work out because you're in love? If you believe that, you're already dead."

Jackson's claws ease toward her face, finding the delicate skin of her throat,"I just hope your Dad has been teaching you some moves to protect yourself."

"Actually..." Allison says,"He has."

Allison's hands come up, pushing his arms out and away as she rams her palm right into his throat.

Choking, Jackson stumbles back. But one hand hooks into the strap of her bag and he manages to drag her to the floor. They land hard, bodies smacking against cement. Jackson on top of her.

"Allison?" He says, scrambling back, looking at her, confused, a complete change in his demeanor. Realizing he's naked, he grabs for a pair of shorts,"What are you doing in here?"

Allison stares at him, incredulous. Somehow he's the vulnerable one now. Before she can respond the door clangs open and Hope steps in to witness the disturbing sight of Jackson pulling his shorts on while Allison rises from the floor across from him.

"I-I'm fine," Allison tries to tell her,"I'm fine."

But Hope whirls toward Jackson, blocking Allison's view of her glowing eyes. Dropping her bag to the floor, she's suddenly moving, grabbing Jackson by the arms and lifting him right off his feet.

The half naked Jackson literally soars across the room, slamming to a crashing halt against the lockers. A second later, however, he snaps his head up with a furious glare,"I have a restraining order!" He roars.

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now