The Tell

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Lydia's car pulls up. Jackson in mid-conversation with Lydia, arguing with her.

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever made, it's the best sports movie--" Jackson argued.

"No," Lydia said simply.

"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper--"


"I swear you will like it," Jackson tried to reason.

"I'm not watching The Notebook again," Jackson said.

Lydia only smiles.

Time Skip

A fuming Jackson enters the store, searching for The Notebook. But going row to row and passing by the now empty ladder and replacement bulbs, he can't seem to find it.

"Can somebody help me find The Notebook?" He called out reluctantly.

He glances around. No response. No one at the cash register.

"Hello? Anybody working here? Anybody at all?" He said, looking around in confusion.

It seems there's not a single other person in the store. Turning back to the shelves, he begins thumbing the DVD's when he spots something.

Through the wire frame of the shelf, Jackson sees two shoes on the floor, toes pointed upward.

He lets the DVD's fall back. Hand now trembling, he slowly steps left. Inching around the corner of the shelf, he sees the two shoes and now just a bit of the legs.

Someone is lying on the floor on the other side of the shelf.

Chest rising with ever shortening breaths, Jackson takes another step. And then another, finally discovering The Clerk lies dead on the floor. Blood everywhere.

Jackson staggers back and tumbles right into the ladder . It goes down, wires snapping with it as sparks fly from the light fixture. With an electric crackling, all of the lights flicker and die, plunging the store into darkness.

The sound of movement spins Jackson around. A shelf rattles, DVD cases trembling as something large moves behind it. Whatever it is, it's between him and the exit.

Jackson crouches behind a shelf, trying to steady his near hyperventilation breaths. Slowly, he peers up above the stacks of DVD's when one of the shelves rocks forward. Like dominoes, they begin falling toward him, DVD's flying through the air.

Jackson moves to dart out of the way, but one of the shelves slams down on his back, pinning his body to the floor. As he tries to push himself up a shadow falls over him.

Jackson holds still as the store becomes ominously quiet and something growls mere inches from the back of his head. A clawed hand reaches over the nape of his neck where the marks from when Derek punctured his skin are still visible. Yellowish and scabbed, they look infected. Jackson shudders as the tips of the Alpha's claws graze his skin, pulling back and lifting up as if preparing to strike.

Lydia raises her camera phone, still recording video of herself when the store's plate glass window explodes, making her scream.

Fragments shower the lot as a black shape hurtles past Lydia's car.

Change Of View

Sheriff Stilinski drives while Stiles searches through fast food bags.

"Did they forget my curly fries?" Stilinski asked his son.

"You're not supposed to eat fries. Especially the curly ones," Stiles replied.

"I am carrying a lethal weapon," Stilinski reminded him,"If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries."

Hope Andrea ArgentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora