Wolf's Bane (Part 2)

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Stiles and Scott burst through the double doors out of one corridor and into the next. Their talk is frantic and fast.

"How the hell did he find out?" Stiles asks breathlessly.

"Who found what out?" Hope's voice asks, but she's nowhere to be seen.

Stiles and Scott look around for her, but not seeing her,"Hope?" Stiles whispers.

"Visibilis," Hope says, and as she appears right in front of them, both of them stumble back, making Hope smile,"Cool, huh?"

Stiles stammers, trying to figure out what to say,"Wha--How..."

"Latin for visible," Hope replies,"I've been teaching myself spells."

"O-Okay," Scott stutters.

"Who found what out?" Hope asks again.

"Jackson... Scott... werewolf," Stiles says, staring at Hope like she had flown into the school breathing fire.

"Did he actually say it?" Hope asks Scott.

"What word?"

"Werewolf," Stiles finishes for Hope,"Did he say 'I know you're a werewolf'?"

The three of them continue to their next class, as Scott continues to speak,"No. But he implied it pretty freaking clearly."

"Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. He has no proof, right? And if he wanted to tell someone who's going to believe him anyway?" Stiles says.

"How about Allison's father?" Scott says.

"Or my Mom," Hope mutters.

"Okay, it's bad. Very bad. Four alarm fire bad. Def Con 1 bad--" Stiles rambles.

"I need a cure, right now," Scott says.

"He doesn't know about my family, does he?" Hope asks him.

"No, I don't think so," Scott says, while praying he didn't.

"Where's Derek?" Stiles says.

"Hiding. Like we told him. Why?" Scott replies.

"I have another idea," Stiles tells them,"It might take a little time and finesse, though."

"Remember we have the game tonight. Quarterfinals. And your first game," Scott reminds him.

"I know, I know," Stiles says,"You have a plan for Allison?"

"She's in my next class," Scott informs them.

"Get the necklace."

"Get the necklace," Scott repeats.

Scott walks off to his next class, leaving Hope and Stiles alone in the hallway together.

"Why does Scott need the necklace?" Hope asks him.

"Because it might lead to the Alpha," Stiles says,"Whatever Laura Hale was looking for, she had a picture of the necklace."

Hope pales,"It used to be my Mom's. She gave it to her for Allison's birthday."

Stiles looks at Hope's face, seeing the exhaustion, fear, and betrayal in her eyes,"Are you gonna be okay?"

"I don't know," Hope answers honestly,"My family isn't who I thought they were. My Mom may have killed a whole family before I was ten."

Stiles doesn't know what to say to that, her whole world was turned upside down, the people that she loves most in the world get kicks out of hunting down supernaturals, her family hunts down people like her.

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now