Second Chance At First Line (Part 1)

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Hope descended on the escalator looking for any sign of her cousin, aunt, or uncle. She was going to be staying with them for a few months and her mother sent her a head while she wrapped a few things up in Los Angeles.

As she stepped off the escalator, her bracelet jingled, the same one that she only took off a total of five times in her entire fifteen years of living. It was one of the only things she had from her birth parents, the bracelet, a baby blanket with her first and middle name stitched into it, and a letter from her birth mother that she had committed to memory.

Hope loves her Mom, she really does, but she always felt too protected by her, like she was made of glass. Hope was happy that she and her Mom finally got some separation at least for a week before her Mom came to Beacon Hills.

"Hope!" Allison squealed, lunging forward and wrapping her arms around her younger cousin.

"I need to breathe, Ally," Hope wheezed, as she squeezed her cousin back.

"There is so much I have to tell you," Allison said.

"You girls have plenty of time to talk, let's just get you home," Her uncle Chris said.

"Hey, Chris," Hope greeted, hugging her favorite and only uncle.

"How was the flight?" Chris asked.

"Terrible," Hope said,"If humans were meant to fly, we would have wings."

"Still afraid of heights then?" Allison asked.

Hope shrugged,"We can't all be fearless like you."

"Come on," Chris said,"We still have to get you both to school."

"No," Hope complained,"Can you atleast give me until tomorrow to settle in?"

"Tomorrow's Saturday," Chris said.

"That's a weird coincidence," Hope said.

Chris sighed,"Fine, but you start first thing monday."

Change Of View

Scott slowly drops his bag in front of his locker. The gloves fall to the floor next to it. He seems to be moving in a trance. He slowly turns, back against the locker, eyes staring in shock. Stiles leans his head out from the corner, looking at his friend in confusion.

"You apologize to Allison?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah," Scott replied, still in his daze.

"So, she's giving you a second chance?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah," Scott said again.

"Then everything's good?" Stiles said hopefully.


"No?" Stiles said, confused.

"Remember the hunters? Her dad is one of them," Scott told his best friend.

"Her Dad?"

"Is one of the hunters."

"Allison's father?" Stiles asked, making sure he heard right.

"Shot me. With a crossbow," Scott said.

"Allison's fa--" Stiles started.

"YES! HER FATHER!" Scott yelled, snapping out of his daze and into a state of panic,"Damn it, what am I going to do?"

"Okay, okay. Did he recognize you?" Stiles asked.

"No, I-I don't think so," Scott said, looking like he was about to cry.

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now