Party Guessed (Part 2)

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"I'll come to the party later," Hope tells Allison, pulling on a backpack,"I just want to see Stiles before he turns."

"Isn't he supposed to be at his most dangerous though?" Allison asks worriedly.

"Only when he's completely turned," Hope reminds her,"I'll see you there," She says, stepping out of Allison's car and running the rest of the way to the abandoned railway station.

Stiles is hunched on the ground pulling on the chains on his knees, his wrists, and around his middle. The only clothing he wears is a pair of shorts.

"Hey," Hope says, kneeling down in front of him.

"You shouldn't be here," Stiles says, breathing heavily, he had managed to convince Scott to stay away, and he lied to his Dad, saying that he was going to Lydia's party and probably staying at Scott's house after.

"I can stay for a little while," Hope says,"Do you need any help?" She asks, gesturing to the cuffs.

Stiles nods, holding out his wrist that he couldn't lock.

Stiles feels the full moon start to rise, like it's a chill slowly crawling up his spine.

"Hand me those," Stiles says, pointing to a bottle of water and the small bag of wolfsbane.

Hope nods, handing both to him, he pours the dark powder into the water bottle, and when he shakes it well to mix the liquid turns a dark yellow.

"What is that?" Hope asks.

"Wolfsbane," Stiles answers before drinking it.

Change Of View

Parking at the curb, Allison steps out of her car. Dressed for the party and carrying a small, wrapped present, she takes a breath, psyching herself up,"For Lydia," She whispers.

Forcing a smile, she starts up the long driveway to the Martin home. Her pace slows, however, under the eerie quiet.

Set at the top of a hill, the house looms in front of her, darkly ominous. Taking each step more and more slowly laughter makes her jump. Two guests hurry past as Allison breathes with relief. Hearing music from inside the now normal looking home, she hurries up the driveway to join the party.

Change Of View

The doorbell rings throughout the house while a hand delicately picks up a tray of drink-filled plastic cups. Swinging the tray around, Lydia opens the door.

A gigantic birthday present with two legs behind it stands before her. Struggling to hold up the massive box, Scott peers out from behind it,"Stiles is sorry he's missing the party," Scott grunts, trying to shove it through the doorway.

Lydia opens the door wider. Scott tries to get in with the present. But it's far too big to get through the door frame.

Pushing the box forward, he begins to shove it in. The wrapping paper tears at the sides, box crumpling until finally, Scott manages to ram it through.

The partially wrecked present drops to the floor, but Lydia is already hurrying off into the house,"Don't forget to try the punch!"

Scott is a bit hesitant stepping into the house, just leaving the present where it was. Without Stiles with him it feels disturbingly quiet, but that's probably because there's only about four other people there.

Taking a deep breath, he looks around for Jackson, Allison, or even Hope. Without them he just feels like any other awkward teenager without any friends.

Scott opens the glass door and steps out to the patio where steam rises off a heated pool lined by Greek columns in front of a large guest house. On a table sits an impressively elaborate looking punch bowl positioned as the grand centerpiece of the party.

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