Magic Bullet (Part 2)

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Hope takes a step into the animal clinic looking around at it.

"Hello?" She called out and a man walked into the lobby, he was a couple inches taller than her and had a calm aura around him,"Hi, are you Doctor Alan Deaton?"

"I am," He said with a greeting smile,"Are you Hope Argent?"

"Yes, I am," Hope said, pulling out the paper she printed off the ad she found online,"I'm here for that job ad you posted a week ago."

"Yes, my normal assistant will be needing more time off from work and I could use an extra pair of hands," Deaton said,"If you could just wait a moment I'll be right with you."

Hope nodded and she sat down on one of the chairs.

Change Of View

Scott skids his bike to a halt, dust flying up. Allison steps out of her car in the driveway looking at him. He gasps for breath, obviously having pedaled like crazy to get there.

"How did you... You got here the same time I did," Allison said in disbelief.

"Uh... I took a shortcut. A really short... short cut," Scott said, still trying to catch his breath.

"What's going on with you today? You're acting all kinds of bizarre," Allison asked him worriedly.

"I know. I think I'm just stressed about classes. I'm not doing as good this year," Scott said.

"Not doing as well," Allison corrected.


"Maybe we should start with english," Allison suggests, and she smiles to let him know it's a joke, she unlocks the front door. Scott takes a nervous pause at the threshold.

"Don't worry. Nobody's going to be home for hours," She said with a smirk.

With a nod, he followed her inside.

When they finally got up to her room, Scott stepped in, glancing around. There's nothing on the walls, no books on the shelves. Just furniture and moving boxes.

"I'm still unpacking," Allison explained.

"Haven't you been here for over a month?" Scott asked her.

"I'm taking my time," She answered.

Still nervous, Scott sits down on the bed and opens his bag, yanking books out,"I know you wanted to start with History so I brought the study sheets from..." He trailed off, realizing Allison was standing above him.

"Let's start with something else," She suggested.

Scott nods. Her hands gently come to his neck as she eases down to press her lips against his. The kiss is soft at first. But then Scott pulls her closer. And closer.

She falls back onto the bed allowing him to slip on top of her. Then kissing her harder, his hands grasp at her, fingers dragging at her shirt. When they come up again, his nails sharpen into claws. Realizing it, he pulls away.

"What's wrong?" Allison asked him.

Scott clenches his hands into fists to cover his fingers, pushing them into the bed covers,"Nothing. I just don't want to make you feel like you have to do something you don't want to do," He said, not lying, but also not telling the whole truth.

"I'm not doing anything I don't want to do. Are you?" Allison asked slyly.

"You're seriously asking that question?" Scott replied with a smile.

As she smiles and rises up to kiss him again, Scott's phone rings. He doesn't move, keeping his hands balled into fists.

"Are you going to answer it?" Allison asked.

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