Shape Shifted (Part 2)

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Gerard looks over Scott and Stiles' student files.

"Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you've become quite a star athlete. Mr. Stilinski. Perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars, and a history of anger issues," Gerard says, looking at Stiles curiously,"Maybe you should try lacrosse, use that to get some of that anger out."

"Actually, I'm already--" Stiles starts.

"Hold on," Gerard says, turning to look at Scott,"McCall? You're the Scott who was dating one of my granddaughters."

Scott blinks, holding still as if caught in headlights.

"We were dating," Scott agrees,"But we're not anymore. Not dating. Or doing anything. With each other. At all."

"Relax, Scott," Gerard tells him,"You look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth."

"It was kind of a hard break up," Scott lies.

"Well, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Maybe you could come over for dinner sometime. I'm a very good cook," Gerard informs him.

"Dinner?" Scott repeats unsurely.

"Yes. Dinner," Gerard says,"Who knows, maybe we can re-spark that romance. Listen guys, yes, I'm the Principal but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

"Is that so?" Stiles says, sitting up.

Scott knocks his knee into Stiles' to get him to shut up.

"I plan to be outside of my office as much as possible. I want to be visible, accessible. Always keeping an eye on my students. Like an older brother keeping a protective eye on his sibling," Gerard says.

"We'll just call you Big Brother," Stiles says sarcastically.

Gerard smiles amusedly,"Clever, Mr. Stilinski. I think I'm going to like you. I'm not that strict, though. However, being that it's my first day, I do need to support my teachers. Unfortunately, someone's going to have to take the fall and stay for detention."

Scott looks to Stiles. Gerard looks to Stiles. Then with a sigh, Stiles realizes both of them are looking at him.

Change Of View

Lydia tries to get Jackson's attention while he grabs items from his locker.

"It's just that we haven't really talked since that night. And, well... Jackson, look at me for half a second," Lydia says frustratedly.

Slamming his locker shut, Jackson finally turns.

"They said if you hadn't found me and carried me back I could have died. So I wanted... I wanted to thank you," Lydia says, sounding sincere.

Jackson eyes her suspiciously,"We're not getting back together."

Lydia's expression filled with confusion,"What?"

"And just because I kept you from bleeding out on a field once don't expect me to come running every time you start screaming," Jackson tells her.

"I never said--"

"I'm not responsible for you," He snarls, and she flinches as he spits out the last three words,"But I'll give you one piece of advice. If I were you, I'd stay home tonight."

He starts to walk away, but Lydia calls after him,"What do you mean? What's tonight?"

An ominous smile spreads across his face and without looking back he says,"It's a full moon."

Change Of View

The doors of the school slam open. Scott charges down the steps and into the parking lot to find he's too late.

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