Unleashed (Part 2)

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Black blood begins to join the red dripping from Derek's torso, a sight not lost on Cora.

"See, the reason I'm always invested in new talent is simple. We all know a pack is strongest due to its individual parts," Deucalion says, breaking down his cane into thirds,"The stronger the individual parts, the greater the whole," He whips out the cane, extending it to its full length.

"When I lost my sight, one of my Betas assumed I wasn't fit for my role anymore. He thought he could take it from me. He was wrong," He says, a slight smile as he recalls the memory, starting to break down the cane again,"Killing him taught me something I didn't know an Alpha could do. His power was added to mine. I became stronger, faster, more powerful than I'd ever been. I tested this new ability to subsume the power of your own by killing another one. In fact, I killed them all.

"I took the individual parts and became a greater individual whole," With a snap, the cane extends to its full length.

Placing it on the bench, he rises to approach Derek again. Kneeling, he gently touches the young Alpha's face, fingers drawing over every feature.

"You were right, Kali. He looks like his mother," He states, rising to pick up his cane,"You'll get to know me, Derek. Like she did."

"I know you," Derek wheezes,"I know what you are."

Deucalion pauses at the challenge in Derek's voice.

"You're a fanatic."

The word falls on Deucalion like a sour note,"Know me? You've never seen anything like me. I am the Alpha of Alphas," Cane gripped in both hands, his eyes begin to glow behind the dark lenses. His voice rises to a demonic rasp, volume almost seeming to shake the walls,"I am the apex of apex predators. I am death, destroyer of worlds. I AM THE DEMON-WOLF!"

The lenses of his dark glasses crack under the phenomenal power of his voice. And suddenly, he's perfectly calm again. Gently pulling the glasses from his eyes, his thumb feels over the crack in the lens,"Hate it when that happens."

He drops the glasses in his pocket and holds out his arm for Kali. She takes it, leading him out with Ennis following.

Cora rushes to Derek and yanks the pipe out of him. He drops to the floor with an agonized breath. As she kneels to him, they both gaze back to the loft's steel door which quietly slides shut.

Change Of View

Hope stands in the library, looking through several books, Lydia next to her looking bored,"Did you know there's a temple in Calcutta where they used to sacrifice a child every day?" Hope says,"Just to appease some of their ancestors? Who does that?"

"People desperately wanting to escape the mundane life?" Lydia suggests,"Why am I hearing this again?"

"Because I need a second opinion. And the others are focused on dealing with the Twins."

Lydia's expression fills with alarm.

"You don't know about the Alpha Twins?" Hope asks,"They're the ones that let Stiles out last night."

"Alphas?" Lydia repeats.

"Ethan and Aiden."

Lydia recovers quickly,"Yeah...I know about them," She stares off into space, noticeably disturbed.

"So I was thinking what if the murders come in threes? Ancient societies love things in threes. So first it's virgins and then it's--I don't know...three people who own tiny dogs."

Lydia turns to glare at her,"I own a tiny dog."

"Well, you don't have to get rid of it if you don't want to," Hope says, smiling to herself.

Hope Andrea ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now