Heart Monitor (Part 2)

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"What the hell was that?" Scott asks as Stiles and him leave the classroom.

"Me exercising my strong willed mind against Coach's wannabe jock brain," Stiles said,"I kinda like it, the adrenaline, the anger, feels good," He told Scott, basically describing how he feels when he uses his new werewolf powers,"Oh, and I figured it out."

"Figured what out?" Scott asked.

"It's her," Stiles said, while giving a pointed glance at Allison who was walking the other direction.

"What do you mean?"

"It's Allison. Remember what you told me about the night of the full moon? You were thinking about her. About protecting her," Stiles told him.

"Okay," Scott said, still trying to understand.

"So remember the first lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field."

"Yeah. I did," Scott said, also remembering how he almost lost control and killed everyone.

"That's what brought you back so you could score. And then in the locker room, you didn't kill her. At least not like you were trying to kill me. She brings you back."

"But it's not always true. Because literally every time I'm kissing her or touching her--" Scott started.

"That's not the same," Stiles interrupted,"When you're doing that you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex," Stiles told him, then he caught Scott's gazing off with a slight smile on his face,"See, you're thinking about sex right now. Aren't you?"

Scott snapped back to attention,"Sorry."

"Now when she was holding your hand in class, it was different. I don't think she makes you weak. I think she actually gives you control. It's like she's a kind of anchor," Stiles explained.

"You mean because I love her," Scott said.

"Exactly," Stiles replied.

Stiles pauses, noticing Scott has stopped walking, surprised at his own words.

"Did I just say that?" Scott asked with wide eyes.

"You just said that," Stiles confirmed.

"I love her," Scott said again, a smile starting to grow on his face.

"That's great," Stiles said, trying to get him back on the issue at hand,"Moving on--"

"No. I do," Scott said again,"I really do. I think I'm totally in love with her."

"And that's beautiful. Before you go off and write a sonnet can we figure this out? Because you obviously can't be around her all the time," Stiles said, before suddenly pausing.

"Okay, what do I do?" Scott asks, but Stiles remains silent, still thinking,"You're getting an idea, aren't you?"


"Could this idea get me in trouble?" Scott asked nervously.


"Is this idea going to cause me physical pain?"

"Definitely," Stiles replied, grabbing his shoulder and dragging him outside.

Scott follows Stiles around the school to the edge of the parking lot where several large dumpsters sit concealing a few seniors. They hang out there laughing and talking while smoking.

One senior climbs out of a smoke filled truck to join the others.

"Over here," Stiles says, taking Scott a few feet from the seniors.

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