Co-Captain (Part 2)

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Sheriff Stilinski pours over a stack of case files on the kitchen table.

Stiles tears past, yanks something out of the fridge and disappears back out of the kitchen so quickly you can barely see him.

A moment later, he slowly wanders back over.

"Whatcha' doing?" Stiles asks curiously.

"Work," Stilinski answers simply.

"Anything I can help with?" Stiles asks.

"You know, pouring me an ounce of whiskey, that would be awfully nice," Stilinski says, making sure he emphasized on 'ounce'.

Setting a bottle and a glass on the table, Stiles tries to get a glance at the files,"Any leads?"

"You know I can't discuss that with you," Noah replies, not taking his eyes off the files.

Stiles tilts the bottle of whiskey to pour.

"Not too much," Stilinski tells him.

Pausing, Stiles glances from his father to the case files. Then to the bottle in his own hand. A devious plan forming.

"There you go, Dad," Stiles says enthusiastically.

Eyes still on the files, Stilinski lifts up the glass to sip, not noticing that it's almost completely full.

When he sets it back down it's empty, paperwork now spread haphazardly all over the table.

"You know," Stilinski says, starting to slur,"Derek Hale would be a whole Hale of a lot... Hale of a lot?"

"Hell of a lot?" Stiles offers, and Stilinski nods sluggishly.

"Hell. Yessss. He'd be a whole hell of a lot easier to catch if we had an actual picture of him," Stilinski says.

"How do you not have a picture of him?" Stiles asks, confused, remembering that Derek should have gotten a mugshot from when he was arrested.

Stilinski lays down the photos in front of Stiles,"It's the weirdest thing. Every time we tried to do his mugshot it was like two laser beams were pointing at the camera."

The photos show attempts at taking Derek's mugshot thwarted by large white glow spots with suspicious blue flares around them. Derek obviously flashed his glowing eyes every time they snapped a shot.

"Nice," Stiles says, a little impressed.

Stilinski groans,"Damn, that ounce hit me like a brick. And I've said way too much. You repeat any of this..." Stilinski suddenly stops, like he forgot what he was about to say.

"Dad, it's me," Stiles says, offering a smile,"I'm not gonna say anything. Come on."

Stilinski nods again, and he starts showing Stiles all the files,"See, the thing is they're connected. All of them. The school bus driver who died? He was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale fire."

Stiles reads the file,"Terminated under suspicion of fraud."

"Exactly," Stilinski slurs.

"Who else?" Stiles asks.

Stilinski hands him another file,"That video store clerk who got his throat slashed? Convicted felon. History of arson."

"What about the other two? The guys who were killed in the woods," Stiles says, looking over the several gruesome photos.

"Priors all over their records. Including..."

"Arson?" Stiles finishes.

Stilinski nods.

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