Chapter 70 Investigate

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Jace Pov

Can't believe this is happening, my Mom said irritated. Mom you should try and understand me as a mother, can't believe you don't understand me and you call yourself my mother, I know what I said is quite ash. But I want her to understand me, I don't just feel connected to the lady or the child she called my daughter. I could see hurt flash true my Mom eyes. But I behave like I don't care but deep down I really care. I know both my parents are just happy that they got a grandchild, that why my father did not look into the matter very well. She said, she as been in the cooper family ever since the incident, my mom said.

I ask know more questions and went out of her room. I went straight to my room not going to the dining room. I open my laptop, and checked who the cooper family are. They are middle family, I can't even say they are from the middle family, because they can't even afford two meals a day. I make a phone call. Boss, James said. I want you to investigate the cooper family especially cooper Mellow, I said and hang up not waiting for him to ask me some stupid question.

I went back to the dining room, daddy you are here, Jessy called out loud. I smile and ruffle her hair. Daddy not make a mess with my hair she said and try smoothing her hair. I sit down beside her, the little girl call Lia and her mother sit down beside me. My parents are also present and my brothers. I keep picking foods for Jessy, I put some beans in her food, she make a irritating face and said. I don't eat beans. I did not think much of it because I also don't like eating beans.

When we are done with our foods, I ask a maid to give Jessy a bath but she insist saying she's a big girl, I chuckle, who said she isn't a big girl but a baby when she want to follow me home, I thought to myself. I let her take her shower herself, I also went to take a shower. I lay down on the bed while she also lay down beside me. I don't know why I feel comfortable and calm when am with Emily and her kids and I don't know while I feel irritated while looking at the lady and her child she claim to be mine.

Know matter how I hate the lady at least I should feel something for the little girl she called my child. I couldn't sleep and when I did I keep having a bad dream. Let just say I have a sleepless night. The next morning, I went to have a shower, when am done, I went out of my room not wanting to disturb Jessy because it still early in the morning.

I went to the garden, but I stop when I heard. I heard him ask someone to investigate my family, what am I going to do now, what if he found out. Please do something about it. They can't Know, everyone is still asleep, you don't need to worry, she keep saying to the other person, am going to leave as soon as I get it, she said. Ok bye, when I see she's done with the phone call, I went back inside. What exactly did she need? I keep asking myself. And one thing is for sure, she isn't the one I slept with that night.

As soon as I get inside, my phone started ringing. I checked it, to see it a call from James. I pick it up. Hello, I said. Man, I can't really find anything about them, it like they know you are going to investigate them.

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