chapter 94

930 17 22

February 14th, 2022


"Happy Valentines day my love."
"Happy Valentines day baby." She smiled at me as she rolled over and laid her head on my chest.

After everything that happened, I was so scared she is going to fall into that postpartum depression. I mean, she told me she is struggling to keep her anxiety on low, but also told me she doesn't want to see a therapist or anything.

"You know, I thought about making you nice dinner and, even though kids would be there, we could be a little romantic and all of that clingy stuff. But, I think we both agree that today we have much more important stuff than dinner."
"Yeah." She smiled from ear to ear, closing her eyes.

"I'm going to make us breakfast and coffee."
"And then comes the best time of the year yet."

She rolled on top of me, straddling me with her legs and smashing her lips on mine.

"Mmm as much as I love this, Alyssa is probably already awake for some time and Josh is waking up soon. They're gonna starve." My hands ran up and down her ass, squeezing her perfect smooth ass cheeks.
"Ughh, okay." She kissed me one more, before climbing off of me.

"Ah, perfect view of perfect woman." I said as she walked away with the big shirt she had only slightly raised up on her hips so it showed me perfect view of her ass.

"Good morning chicky." I placed a kiss on Alyssa's head, making her look up at me.

"Are you hungry? I'm gonna make breakfast now."
"Can you make waffwes?"
"Okay. Sure." I walked away and made us coffee before starting to make breakfast.

Josh bounded in the living room, singing a song and jumping around, dancing.

I smiled as I watched him, quickly recording him for myself.

Just as Olivia walked up the stairs Josh pulled her to dance with him, making me record them again.

"Waffles are ready, c'mon guys." I called them over once I finally finished making breakfast.

Bryce, Nessa and Addison left just yesterday. Now, I'm still not going to work too much, especially not in the building, but I already have everything scheduled in the office for next few months until everything comes back to normal.

Kids ate breakfast while Olivia and I drank our coffee. But once we were done with breakfast and everything Olivia washed dishes while I went to set up the car seat.

"Baby, I got your clothes ready."
"Thank you." I placed a kiss on her lips before going to our room to get dressed.

Kids were already ready in their clothes, waiting for the moment we go to the hospital.

"Okay, it's a great seat and you have put it in good. You have nothing to worry about there."
"Okay." They finished everything they had to tell us and gave us a little machine that will show her heart beat and pulse.

Once we got ready in the car, we finally put Lilly in and drove home.

"Okay, careful." Yola was jumping around us as we walked up the stairs.

That's why I hate that our bedroom is downstairs and kids' rooms are upstairs. If something happens, or now that Lilly starts crying, it will take time to get to their rooms.

"Slowly Yola, good girl." Yola sniffed Lilly that was sleeping, before sniffing around the thing we carried her in.

"This is Lilly. New family member." Yola attempted to jump up on Olivia, but I had to pull her back. I don't want her ruining our baby not even after being here for 15 minutes.

Once that was done, Lilly woke up as Olivia walked to her room, to put her in the crib.

"Welcome to your room baby." Olivia smiled as she put her down. Lilly stared around for few seconds, before stopping her eyes on Alyssa.

Kids were standing on chair beside the crib and looking inside, as I was behind them making sure that they won't fall.

And just like that, our family was complete.

Once Lilly was asleep and kids went to take their naps, Olivia and I were in the yard. She was sat on my lap as we stared at each other.

"It feels like a dream. I have you in my arms, our kids are asleep for their daily nap and our baby is finally home." I said as my thumbs moved on her thighs.
"Yeah." She smiled at me, her hand on the back of my neck while other one was on my chest. Placing a kiss on my lips, she made me smile as I pulled her closer to me.

"I love you so much Olivia. And I'm so happy that you're the one that I get to do this with. That you're the one I fell in love with. And that you're the one I'll be marrying next year or so."
"I love you so much Jaden, more than you know." Just as she leaned in to kiss me, we heard Lilly's cries on the little baby monitor.

"I got this." She walked away, and soon I heard little cries stop as I watched Olivia pick up Lilly from her crib. She started singing to the baby, making her fall back asleep.

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THE END Oh my God guys! I can't believe I'm finally done with this book! It's been such a great experience and adventure. Thank you for everyone that supported me while I was on this journey! I can't explain how thankful I am for every single one of you.

I don't think that I'll do extra chapters (few chapters that will just show a little of their life after the end of the book), but if there's a big interest in that I might as well write few of those. Let me know in the comments or in PM's if you want few extra chapters, and I'll see and might write them too. :)

Make sure to check out my other books, especially the one I started last week :) Much love and hugs, Ashley <3

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