chapter 52

884 19 15

September 3rd, 2021


"Hey. I made you guys breakfast. I have a meeting so I don't have time to eat with you guys, but I'll come home right on time to make lunch, or if I'm a little late I'll just buy it on my way back, just please don't stress about it. Just rest and don't do anything, alright?"
"Why is that? Did I become disabled and wasn't informed about it?" Olivia joked as she kissed me back while placing her arms around my shoulders.

"No, but I just don't want you to get worse, okay? Better cut it off from the beginning then to wait for it to get worse and then take care of it."
"It's okay, I'm feeling better today."
"Oh are you? Because you look kinda pale."
"It's nothing, I took a pill and it will pass. Okay?"
"Olivia. Have your morning coffee, eat breakfast and then lay in the bed and cover up. Alright? I'm coming home as soon as possible, and I'll tell Robert to look out for Josh while I'm not here. Okay?" I glared at her as I checked her cheeks and forehead to check if she had fever.

"It's fine Jaden, really. You don't need to worry. Alright?"
"Of course I don't need to. I must worry, because you don't want to take care of yourself. And go get on a hoodie and god-fucking-dammit where are your socks?"

Before she could even say anything, I walked off to out room and got her some socks and hoodie and brought it to kitchen.

"Now you're the one acting like a crazy mom."
"Shut up. And seriously, I'll tell Robert to look out for Josh. You need to promise me to get in bed and stay there as much as you can." She nodded her head as she fixed her hood.

"I promise. Okay. Now go to that fucking meeting, you'll be late."

I kissed her before I left the house and walked to the car. I got in, and then stopped at gates to talk to Robert.

"Hey Robert, good morning."
"Good morning."
"Look, Olivia is a little sick, and the mom she is I know she won't stay in the bed but go and play with Josh and all of that. I would stay home to take care of Josh, but I have some really important meetings, so can you look out for Josh? I will try to get back as soon as I can, but you can even go in the house if he insists, but just tell Tom to come here, alright?"
"Okay. I will. Do I do it right now or?"
"Well, Josh wakes up around 8:30, and then he'll have breakfast because I already made it, so you can go in around 9, maybe 9:15. Make sure that my woman is in bed, okay?"
"I will."
"Okay, thanks. I'll see you. Call me if you need anything."

He nodded his head before opening the gates for me. Hopefully Olivia decides not to be that stubborn today.


Jaden was being too extra today. I mean, it's true that I'm not really feeling that well. In one moment I'm great, and then other moment I want to vomit, and then I just wanna sleep to escape my headache. It's just annoying.

But of course I'm not gonna be a drama queen. It's probably food poisoning and I have migraines regularly. So I don't know why is Jaden acting this way.

"Mommy!" Josh beamed in the living room, climbing on the couch and attacking me with kisses.

"Ooh, someone's all happy today, huh?"
"I am!" He said as he kissed me again and then spotted food on the kitchen island.

"Is it breaky time?"
"Yeah. You should go eat, daddy made it before he left."
"Okay. You come to eat too!" He pulled me with him by my hand.

Once we were done eating, I was on my phone and he was watching TV.

"Mommy did you hear the doors open too?"
"I thought it was your cartoon?" He shook his head as he jumped up to go and see who it is, but I immediately pulled him back.

"You stay there and don't move, I'm going to see who is it." I quickly got up and made my way to front doors, only to be met with Robert.

"Oh you- Don't do that, idiot! I thought someone got in. What are you doing here?"
"It's just me, sorry if I scared you. Jaden told me to come inside and take care of Josh until he is back, because you need to lay in bed."
"Oh that fucker- I don't need to lay in bed, it's alright."
"Ma'am, with all due respect, I think you should lay in bed. Jaden explained me everything, so you should go and lay down. I will take care of Josh, we'll be out a little and inside if he wants to. I got my orders and I need to listen to them."
"Okay, babysit Josh all you want, but I'm not laying in bed. And don't call me ma'am because that makes me feel old, and I'm not. We're friends." I joked as I nudged his shoulder, referring to times in LA when he used to babysit me.

"Yeah. That's exact reason why I'm not letting you not obey. Last time I took my eyes off of you quite bad things happened. So-"
"Don't be dramatic. Do I even look sick?"
"Mommy?! Are you okay?!" Josh yelled from living room, making me turn my head around.
"I am baby, I'm coming in second!" I yelled back before turning to look at Robert again, "So?"
"Yeah, you kinda look more pale then usual." I rolled my eyes, before turning around and walking to the living room.
"Are you coming or what?"

"Mommy who wa- Robby!" Josh jumped up from the couch and ran over to Robert.

"Hey buddy." He messed his hair, before Josh let go of his leg and pulled him to the living room to sit on the couch.

"How come you are inside?"
"You see, your dad let me play with you today."
"Yeah. But in order for us to play, your mom needs to go and lay in the bed and rest."
"Mommy! Come with me to your bed, come." Josh pulled me to my room, making me turn around and shake my head at Robert.

"Okay, lay here."
"Okay, okay." I got inside of the bed, making Josh pull my duvet over me.

"Okay, now sleep so I can play with Robby. I've been waiting for this day for too long."
"Okay, okay, go have fun with Robby." I kissed his head before he ran out of my room.

I saw two of them going past my window somewhere in the yard few minutes later.

Then, I started feeling nauseous again. I thought I wouldn't need to vomit and it would just go away, but I was wrong. I hurried to bathroom and bent down to the toilet.

Once I was done, I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth, before going back in the bed. I still felt slightly nauseous, but I really couldn't wait on the floor in front of toilet to vomit again.

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