chapter 24

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March 12th, 2021


It was 9:15 am when I got out of shower. I walked in the living room, expecting Josh to be in his corner playing with his toys while he is watching TV, but he wasn't there.


I heard his soft voice in his room call me. It didn't sound like he usually does.

I quickly made my way to his room and opened doors.

He was in his room, covered with blankets.

"Josh baby what's wrong?"
"Mommy my head hurts and I'm cold."

I sat on the bed beside him and put my hand on his forehead and cheeks. He was too warm.

I moved covers off of him, and the same moment he started crying.

"No mommy! I'm cold!"
"Baby I know you are, but I need to check if you have fever."

I walked to one of his drawers in the bathroom and picked up the thermometer before rushing back to his bed.

"You need to keep the covers off of you at least while the thermometer works, okay?"
"No mommy."
"I know baby, but don't cry okay? It will make the headache worse."

I caressed his cheek and kissed his head multiple times before thermometer made the sound.


When I checked it it showed 102.02°F (38.9°C). That is too much.

"Let's shower, have a breakfast so I could give you some advil, yeah?"
"I don't think I can eat."
"Because I feel nauseous."

I picked him up and took him to the bathroom where I took off his clothes and put him in a shower.

He started screaming when he felt cold water on his body. My poor baby.

"Shh shh shh baby. Just a little more okay?"
"No! Take me out! Take me out!"
"It's okay baby. Okay? Look, I'll come in with you."
I clipped up my hair and took off my shirt before sitting next to him. I positioned the shower so it's not wetting my hair.

He immediately started gripping on my body and burying his head in my chest.

Water was cold, but I'm kinda used to cold showers. He is used to a little cooler showers, because here it's too hot for most of the year so warm showers have no point. It was just his fever that made it worse.

"It's okay baby. It's okay."
I moved his hair back as he was sat on my lap.

"Okay, I think this is enough."

I turned the water off and picked him up.

He sighed while he rested his head on my shoulder.

I grabbed his towel and wrapped him up in it while walking to his closet.

I put on some clean clothes on him before taking him to the living room.

I quickly changed into some dry clothes before making him some cereals.

"No mommy, I don't wanna eat."

He mumbled while burying his head in pillow while holding tight the blanket that he wrapped around himself.

"Baby you have to. Come on."

I tried to feed him, and then not even fifteen minutes passed when he told me he wants to vomit.

I quickly picked him up and rushed to bathroom and held him over the toilet.

"It's okay. It's okay. Let it all out, okay?"

Once he was done I flushed the toilet and helped him wash his mouth.

I decided to give him an advil and wait a little more to see if I need to take him to doctor.

Whole day passed with me laying next to him in the bed, trying to comfort him.

He was currently sleeping on his side, while I was laying on my side, caressing his cheek and hair.

I decided to check his temperature again, this time it was a little lower, but still too high for what it should be.

I sighed and set away the thermometer while laying back next to him.

I made two sandwiches for dinner, one for me and one for him in case he decides to eat.

I cleaned around the house a little until it was dark outside.

Then I got back in bed with him and he snuggled in my chest.

I woke up alone in bed, so I went to see where Josh is.

I heard his little voice in the bathroom in his room, so I walked inside, since doors were already opened.

"What's wrong baby."
"It hurts me."
"What hurts?"

I asked as he was standing on the little steps in front of his toilet, peeing.

"My pee pee, it hurts when I pee."
"Just when you pee?"
"We'll go to doctors. Let's get you showered and get ready."
"No mommy, you know I don't like doctors."
"I know baby, but they won't do anything to you. I need to check your temperature again and then we are going, okay?"

He tried to complain while I took of his clothes and washed his body.

"Mommy I need to pee."
He mumbled in the middle of the shower.
"Just pee here, it's fine. I need to clean your bathroom anyways."

I said turning around to grab the soap.

Just as I grabbed the soap I heard his scream behind me.

I immediately turned around to see what happened.
"What's wrong baby?"
"Mommy! Blood!"
"Where is it baby?"

I looked around the shower, but there was nothing.

"My pee pee started bleeding."

I noticed he was holding himself while closing his legs, so I removed his hand to see, because I don't see blood anywhere.

"There isn't any blood baby," And then it clicked in my head, "Did you pee blood?"
He whined while gripping on my arm and crying.

"Okay, we're going to doctor now."
I quickly finished his shower before putting some clean clothes on his body.

I laid him in my bed while I changed my pajamas into regular clothes.

I wrapped him around my body, grabbed my purse and left the apartment.

"It's okay baby. It's okay. You're gonna be okay."

I put him in his seat and kissed his head before rushing to driver's seat and driving to his doctor.

When we arrived, I told them that it was emergency, explained everything and then they finally let me go in because apparently I should've made an appointment.
Like I could've predicted this happening.

Once I explained everything to doctor, she said I need to take him to the lab. She gave me some papers and a little cup.

"Joshy, you need to pee in this, okay?"
"But mommy it hurts. And- and-"
"I know. Just close your eyes and clench your teeth, okay? If we want doctor to help you you need to pee in this."

So he listened to me and peed in the cup. I took us to the lab that was on the other side of the building and gave them everything.

As we were sitting on chairs, Josh fell asleep in my lap. His head was on my chest and his legs on my left side.

My phone started buzzing so I picked it up before it woke him up.

It doesn't really happen that often that I answer my phone without checking caller ID. But this time I didn't want Josh getting woken up so I just did it in hurry.

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Poor lil beb Joshy :((

𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - 𝐽𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐻𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now