chapter 57

803 13 7

September 17th, 2021


"Okay, here. C'mere." I told Josh as he stood closer to me so I would dress him up.

"Get your shoes on, your daddy is coming soon." He ran out of the room, and I went to put his clothes for house back on his bed since they weren't dirty and he could simply change in them once we come back.

I packed up my backpack and set it on little sofa in the hall before I went to toilet.

Once Jaden pulled up, we drove to a restaurant first to have lunch before we'd go to mall so we could buy Josh new clothes.

"C'mon." Jaden said as he took Josh out of his seat.

"Josh, no leaving daddy's and my side. Understood?"
"Yes." He said as he took Jaden's hand in his as we walked through the mall.

"Let's go to this one." Jaden and Josh followed me as they were totally uninterested in shopping.

They were just talking and having fun, while I was actually wanting to buy Josh new clothes because everything is getting too small for him.

"Let's go to see some hats." Josh said as Jaden and he walked away to different side of the store. Thanks God.

I found him few clothes in his size, and just as I was about to go and search for them, they walked over to me.

"Daddy said he'll buy me these two!" Josh said as he waved around with one cap in his hand and other one on his head as it was turned on the side, making me laugh at him.

"Okay. You look like little rapper." I said as I took his cap off so I'd see what's on it before placing it back on his head the same way it was before, "Let's go try these clothes so we could go to a different store."

"Daddy, this is the boring part." Josh sighed as he looked up at Jaden.
"Oh, I know. But c'mon."

Jaden was sitting on a chair on the end of the hallway where the dressing rooms were, while I was changing Josh into different clothes. Every time Josh would change the outfit, he'd walk out to get thumbs up from Jaden if he liked it.

Once we were done with trying on clothes, we walked over to the cashier to check everything out so we'd leave to another store.

This time, Josh and Jaden disappeared to look at funny socks and underwear, getting back with few of them in their hands. At least it was a bit helpful.

"Are we done?" Josh whined as we walked out from the store.
"Just some shoes and we are done."
"Can I get any toys?"
"You know what? That's a good idea." Jaden said making me narrow my eyebrows at the way he was kinda excited about it.

After buying two pair of shoes and one flip-flops we walked out to go to the toy store, but Josh squealed as he managed to pull his hand away from Jaden and run somewhere in front of us.

My eyes widened as I saw someone pick him up, as Jaden and I were both about to start running after him, but we soon realized it was actually Cynthia and Jonathan.

"Hi guys!" We all hugged as Josh was still holding onto Jonathan.

"What's up? We haven't talked in too long!" It was actually few weeks that we haven't talked or hung out. So I'm kinda glad we ran into them.

"I know. We were just shopping for some new clothes. What's up with you guys?"
"We came to find some clothes for a wedding we have to attend but there's literally nothing for Jonathan. I found myself a dress, but he can't find a proper tux for fucks sake."
"Well, you know there's one store that I buy my tux's at. They are a little expensive though, but they also have like a lots of sales that go like 80% off the price."
"Yeah, they have really nice ones."
"Oh, maybe we should go and see there?" Cynthia said as she looked over at Jonathan.

Jaden explained them where the store is and we talked for a bit more as we stood in the same place.

"Oh, I just remembered. I have their card, as a person that apparently buys a lot at their store they gave me this card that gets you certain amout of price off too," Jaden said as he opened my backpack to take out the card from his wallet, "There you go."
"Jaden, you're a life saver. We'll give you back-"
"When you come over tomorrow." I continued, making them two nod.

"That sounds great. We really missed hanging out with you guys. Okay, we're gonna go now, but we'll definitely talk so we could hang out."
"Of course."

Once we said our bye's we made it to toy store.

"Okay, so I want this and th-"
"Hey, calm down. You have a lot toys at home. You can get one Legos and maybe something else, but listen. You know how we told you about your sister moving to our house next month?"
"Okay. So tomorrow you're going to meet her. So I thought you could pick something up for her, yeah? And some more toys that we are going to give kids that are currently living at the same place like she is."
"I'm meeting my sissy tomorrow?!" Josh squealed as he jumped up, making me smile.

Jaden and I really didn't talk about this. I guess that just came across his mind. But I'm not mad, I actually really like that idea.

"Yeah. You're gonna spend some time with her and us before we go home. So you think you can find some toys for her too? And other kids?"
"I can do everything!"

I took a cart, placing all of the bags with clothes in it before we went around the store so Josh would choose some toys.

"Okay, I want this one for my sissy. And this too." Josh said as he placed a stuffed mouse in the cart and then added the Barbie doll that came in pack with different clothes and what not.

Once we decided he chose enough toys, we went to check everything out. Even though there is not that much toys to fulfill all that those kids there deserve, it was at least something that would make them hopefully happy.

There was so many bags that we were holding as we walked out the store, that we probably looked ridiculous. We had all of Josh's clothes and shoes, and then on top of that bunch of toys we just bought.

We managed to put everything in the trunk before we went in a cafe where Josh wanted to eat ice cream.

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Y'all I don't fucking know how that process of fostering works, nor anything. That part is just genuine imagination. I tried searching up everything on the internet and got as much information as I could, but there was not a lot of it. So don't judge me please.

𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 - 𝐽𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝐻𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now